Chapter Sixteen

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Mount Justice

February 1, 20:41 EDT

Elizabeth panted slightly as she vigorously dodged Red Tornado's hologram robots which were affectionately called holobots. Training might have been hard with the Bat, but it was definitely harder somehow with Red Tornado. Maybe it was because there were always the other team members getting in the way of a perfectly timed attack. 

"I got this!" Elizabeth shouted as she swung her staff towards a rather nasty looking holobot.

Hologram Nightwing jumped out of the way as he was nearly hit. "Watch your team mates!" Red Tornado's voice came over the intercom.

Elizabeth responded going back to back with hologram Miss Martian, "Maybe if they could actually be here to train we could communicate easier instead of letting me react to an algorithm."

Elizabeth then willed herself to be invisible to confuse the holobots. The trick however did not work as the holobots were apparently equipped with heat vision. I'll have to find a way to hide my heat vision if I want to go truly invisible, Elizabeth thought to herself. Breaking her concentration, she unleashed a furious attack on an incoming holobot. The holobot disappeared from existence as it was defeated.

"Maybe if you tried communicating with your team mates," Red Tornado stated, "then you would not have such a hard time fighting alongside them.

Elizabeth sighed knowing she would look like a fool talking to nothing but light. "Nightwing! Take out the two behind you. I'll get the ones coming from the left. Miss Martian get an aerial view of how many more robots are coming. Superlad keep on doing what you are doing. Nightwing and I will join you in a minute." Elizabeth said rushing to Nightwing's side.

Together Elizabeth and Nightwing became a flurry of deadly twirling staves. The holobots were easily defeated. Hologram Miss Martian reported, "There are four more left here, and there are no more. The big one got away."

Elizabeth sighed, "Thank you! Too bad the big one got away. We'll get 'em next time."

With that Elizabeth swung her staff into one of the last four holobots. Together as a team they took out the three remaining holobots. "Your performance has improved Nightingale. Next session there will be a special surprise." Red Tornado announced as the training session ended.

"When will I get to go out with the team next?" Elizabeth inquired patting sweat off of her face.

Red Tornado replied, "Soon."

She laughed, "You keep saying that, but soon has come and passed a few times already."

"Time is relative, soon will come soon enough," the robot hero stated before saying, "You can return back to your civilian life now. That is all we have for tonight."

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