Chapter Eleven

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Gotham City

December 21, 09:05

Finals actually went well. Now all Elizabeth had to worry about was getting her job done... and remember what she had learned in the previous semester. Dick had been hanging out with her everyday since finals was over. He even helped with Evelyn. Bruce didn't seem to be bothered by it. Elizabeth wondered if they would become a couple and start dating. It would probably become a problem, though, if it took time from her job.

Bruce walked by speaking, "Elizabeth I need you to come with me." She got up from the living room to follow him. Elizabeth had been watching Evelyn play and she trusted Alfred to watch over Evelyn while she was away. Bruce led her to the Batcave.

"I thought I wasn't allowed in here." Elizabeth stated.

Bruce sighed, "It's a long story, but I need you to watch this monitor."

"Is that all?" she asked.

"If there looks like trouble press this button." He instructed pointing to a normal looking button. Elizabeth sat down in the chair as Bruce went to leave. "Oh, one more thing," he said turning to her, "don't mess with anything."

Instead of leaving though, Bruce went to go put on his Batman suit. Elizabeth felt like something was wrong, really wrong but she didn't know what. So she sat there and watched the monitor.


Batman walked up to the group. Nightwing, Miss Martian, Young Flash, Artemis, and Superlad were all there waiting. "We came as soon as we heard," Nightwing stated asserting himself as the leader even though the team was pretty much broken up.

"There have been signs that trouble is stirring in each of your home cities and other cities. We need all hands on deck here," Batman told the group, "since we don't know when they're going to strike."

"What do you need us to do?" Miss Martian asked.

Batman spoke, "It's easy, just keep your eyes open. If they make a move attack, call for backup if it's bad. We don't know when they're going to attack but it looks like the attacks are going to be nation wide."

"So how long have they been planning?" Nightwing inquired pointing at a screen with the prime suspects on it. On the screen were the Joker, Sportsmaster, Lex Luthor, Klarion, and a few more.

"That we don't know," Batman told them, "but it looks like they've been planning this for quite some time. This could be their end game."

They moved out to their positions after talking about it a bit more to clear up any confusions. Only Nightwing and Batman were left. "So," Nightwing said, "how bad is it really going to be?"

"It's hard to tell but it looks like this could seriously affect everyone." Batman replied.

Nightwing followed up, "Are you sure you want to be doing this? You could go home and the rest of us could handle it."

"No," Batman stated, "I wouldn't leave without justice being served." He walked to the Zeta tubes leaving Nightwing alone. Nightwing could only imagine what Mrs. Wayne would feel if she lost her husband.


The afternoon came and Elizabeth was still watching the screen. Alfred came down carrying Evelyn. "I've got to go and Mrs. Wayne has several things to attend to. Could you watch Evelyn?" he inquired.

"Yes, I'm sorry I left her with you for so long. I didn't know this would be an all day thing." Elizabeth told him standing up to take Evelyn.

"One can never be certain with master Bruce." Alfred smiled heading away. Elizabeth waited entertaining Evelyn while still keeping an eye on the little screen. It changed pictures every now and then to show different views of Gotham. She figured that it was feed from police cars or something like that.

It was now night time. Elizabeth wished she could put Evelyn in her bed but knew that trouble might come. So she waited. Both Elizabeth and Evelyn were tired now. Elizabeth fought to stay awake while Evelyn slept. The screen changed showing a video of a scuffle. She pushed the button hoping for the best. Elizabeth's job was done now so she headed back upstairs to put Evelyn to bed. Tired from her inactivity, Elizabeth also headed to bed knowing that Batman was there to protect them.

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