Chapter Ten

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Gotham City

December 13, 02:03 EDT

Elizabeth was worn out from her training in the morning and taking care of Evelyn and studying for finals. She had lost quite a bit of weight and her clothes weren't fitting properly. The freshman five was no worry for her. Dick caught up to Elizabeth as she waited for her ride. She shivered as she listened, "I know you have with but would you like to come with us for an hour or two to go shopping?"

"I really can't miss, they're expecting me to be back." Elizabeth explained apologetically. Just then she got a text from Alfred, Due to the bad weather Mr. Wayne had an earlier meeting cancelled so I won't be able to come and get you. I'm sorry for letting you know so late, try to find a way home if you can. I should be able to get you a little after four. Elizabeth smiled, "Well it looks like my ride cancelled on me so I can go."

"Great!" Dick exclaimed, "The others are waiting for us." He walked to the main parking garage where Wally, Artemis, and Megan were waiting.

"Elizabeth! Are you actually joining us for once?" Megan inquired excited.

Elizabeth replied happily, "Yep! Thank goodness, I was starting to think I'd never have a social life." The group got into their various vehicles and went to the shopping district of town. They walked around until they found a store someone wanted to go into.

A "fashion show" was started as they began to try on clothes. Elizabeth looked around and found a few things she liked. She didn't dare try them on due to the price tag since she knew she wouldn't be able to say no.

"Why haven't you tried anything on?" Artemis asked noticing her friend was just watching.

Elizabeth replied, "Well I don't know my size and it's kind of expensive here."

"You could at least try something on," Artemis suggested, "even the boys are getting into it."

Elizabeth sighed, "Fine." She got up and found a few things she liked. Most everyone had finished by the time she got back. Almost everything she had was too big.

Everyone went to go buy some things but Dick noticed Elizabeth hanging back. "Aren't you coming?" He inquired.

"No, things are a little expensive here in the city. I have to save up for the next semester just in case something happens." Elizabeth answered.

Dick looked at her and said, "I thought you have everything covered."

"I just feel a little better if I have extra money," she shrugged.

"I thought you said you get cold," he told her remembering, "you're always shivering at lunch."

Elizabeth knew she was getting no where so she said, "Fine, it's colder up here than I expected it to be. They don't make winter clothes where I'm from thick enough for a winter up here."

"All the more reason to get something." Dick told her placing his hand on her shoulder, "If you won't get something I'll get it for you."

"No, it's okay. Seriously, I'll be fine." Elizabeth spoke looking into his eyes.

Dick shrugged, "Fine, just let me get a few things." He wandered through the store with Elizabeth watching. She realized what he was doing so she rushed to him. One of the workers smiled at them as Elizabeth reached Dick. "You liked this one right?" He asked holding up a sweater she had tried on.

Elizabeth replied, "Yes, but I can live without it."

Dick ignored her asking, "This is your size right?"

"Yes, but seriously I'm good. I don't need it." She said a little roughly.

"Well," he spoke, "I'll just get you something that would look good on you... without your input."

Elizabeth sighed, "Fine I'll get a few things. Just let me get them." The two went up together to pay.

Artemis laid her head on Wally's shoulder while they waited. "I don't think I've seen him act like that before." Wally told the group.

Megan spoke, "It's good to see him happy again."

"I wonder if the two even realize it." Artemis wondered out loud.

"Elizabeth seems to notice it," Megan pointed out, "but I'm not sure she likes it."

"She's probably just not used to having a guy to wait on her." Wally said, "She does work for a very tough boss, I've heard it from Dick."

The two people of the conversation walked up. Elizabeth checked her phone, "I've only got less than an hour left."

"I know the perfect store!" Megan exclaimed leading the group to another extensive looking store. It was rather small but the prices made up for the size. It didn't take the group long to make their way through the store and to try on everything they wanted to. Elizabeth once again ended up with more clothes.

The group made their way back to the parking garage talking excitedly about the time of the season. "I'm going to slip into one more store, you guys go on ahead." Dick told the group ducking into a store. Elizabeth had been in contact with Alfred and knew that she would get a ride home from one of her friends.

"So you're taking me home right?" Elizabeth asked Megan.

Megan looked a little pained, "Well, I'm afraid I can't. Maybe Wally can."

"Hmm?" He said as Artemis elbowed him, "Oh, well I have to get Artemis home but I might be able to. Where do you live?"

"On the outskirts of town." Elizabeth answered.

"It's a little far, I don't think I can get you there." He said sheepishly.

Dick caught up to them carrying another bag. "Could you give me a ride home?" She asked him.

"Sure," Dick said as he caught his breath. It was a little chilly outside, well more like a little freezing. "You might want to put this on." He told Elizabeth pulling a coat out of the new bag. The jacket she had on was old and not that effective against the cold. Her heavier jacket had disappeared on her move to Gotham.

As Elizabeth put the coat on she spoke, "Thanks, but you didn't have to do that."

"A heavy coat is a needed thing in Gotham." Dick said as they stored the shopping bags.  They drove away through the city and to Wayne Manor. Soon enough they were there.

"Thank you for everything," Elizabeth told him.

"It's no problem," Dick said fixing one of her hairs. They stood their for a while.

Elizabeth broke the standstill, "I've got to go." She began to walk away.

"Wait!" He exclaimed. Elizabeth turned around and there he was. Dick brought her to him holding her face. Slowly they kissed.

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