Chapter Nine

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Gotham City

November 13, 06:03 EDT

Elizabeth sat down to a nice sized breakfast. Since she had training Alfred always cooked breakfast. It was just her and Bruce that morning. "Do you think..." Elizabeth began to ask. Bruce looked up from his newspaper waiting for her to go on. She began again, "Do you think I could... join you to see what fighting crime is really like?"

"Elizabeth you know how I feel about this." He reminded her.

Elizabeth sighed, "I know, I know. I should be there for the baby not out getting myself killed."

"Plus you've got college to worry about." Bruce pointed out.

She mumbled, "How did Robin ever convince you to let him be your side kick?"

"I heard that," he said looking back at his newspaper. Selina walked in looking tired. Alfred handed her a cup of coffee, her usual even though she wasn't up half the night. Elizabeth finished and got up to check on Evelyn.

"What were you talking about dear?" Selina inquired more awake now.

Bruce sighed, "She wants to join me."

"So she wants to be a superhero? Strange child," she spoke, "she came here for college for some boring degree and now she wants to be a hero. Hmm."

"Bioengineering is an important field. Hopefully she won't get snagged by Star Labs." He complained remembering what trouble the company was.

Selina suggested, "Maybe you could offer her a job?"

"No," Bruce spoke quickly, "she'll just keep on insisting. It's not that she's a bad person... it's just she's... persistent."

"Like someone you know?" she asked smiling. He walked over to her giving her a kiss.

"I'll be back at noon for our lunch." Bruce said grabbing his car keys.

Selina spoke, "Fine, I'll see you then." Elizabeth walked in holding Evelyn.

"I have to go now, make sure you take good care of Evelyn. I'll be back a little after two." Elizabeth stated setting Evelyn down in her high chair. Alfred held open the car door while Elizabeth got in. She made sure she had everything before they pulled out.


Lunch time came and Elizabeth sat down in the cafeteria all by herself. She hadn't really made that many friends since most of her time was spent taking care of Evelyn and her homework. A guy walked up to her and asked, "Hey do you want to join us?" Elizabeth looked up to see Dick smiling at her.

"Oh, umm sure. Where are you guys sitting?" she asked looking at a group of older people she didn't know. He lead the group to a bigger table not that far away. Elizabeth sat there not really knowing what to do, "Soo, what are your guys' names?"

"I'm Artemis," said the blonde haired girl.

The red head girl spoke up, "I'm Megan."

"Wally," said the other red head of the group.

"And," Dick said, "you already know me."

"I'm Elizabeth by the way." She said introducing herself to her new friends.

"Do you have any classes after this?" Wally asked Elizabeth.

She answered, "Yeah, I have one class until two this afternoon."

Megan got excited, "You could come shopping with us!"

"I'm sorry," Elizabeth apologized, "but I have to work. Plus my math professors gave me a bunch of homework."

"Math class," Artemis said rolling her eyes, "I hear you."

"No, it's not bad it's just... busy work to make sure everyone knows what they're doing." Elizabeth stated defending herself.

Wally laughed, "Sounds like we have another math nerd here."

Dick groaned, "I'm not a math nerd. I just happen to be good at it."

"Whatever genius," Artemis said smiling. The way she spoke sounded like the group had been friends for a while. Elizabeth felt a bit out of place and maybe something a bit more. Artemis and Wally finished first and went to class together. Megan excused herself looking at Dick as if she was waiting for him, but all the same she left.

"I feel like I'm out of place..." Elizabeth stated.

"You're just not used to them," Dick told her, "it takes some time to get used to them. Trust me. It was weird when I first meet them too."

Elizabeth asked, "Did you meet them like I did?"

"Hmm? No... we meet through a few friends we shared. They don't go here though, so I wouldn't be able to introduce them to you." he said looking around.

"Well, I better get to class." She spoke as she stood up.

Dick got up with her, "I'll walk you to class."

"Thanks," Elizabeth blinked, "but don't you have a class to get to too?"

"Well, where are you going?" He asked.

"Biology," she answered.

Dick thought before saying, "My class is nearby. I can walk you there."

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