Chapter Fourteen

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Gotham City

January 21, 22:52 EDT

Elizabeth finally finished her project after nearly a month of working on it. The people in her classes seemed impressed by her advanced knowledge. She was learning exponentially. Dick had officially started dating Elizabeth on Christmas day. He was always disappearing though. Elizabeth hadn't told anyone about her project and today she was going to follow Batman to wherever he disappeared to.

A few weeks ago she found the Zeta tube in the Batcave, she didn't know what it was though. It didn't allow Elizabeth to follow though so she programmed herself to be identified as Guest G-01. Elizabeth had waited in her nanobot infused clothing, disguising it as pajamas. She took inspiration from a bird, specifically a nightingale. It was used in literature to symbolize love and loss, what better symbol was there since she loved so many people that she just lost. So on Elizabeth's nanobot clothing was a bird with its wings outstretched as her symbol.

The only thing Elizabeth wished she had was a cloak, but it would get in the way in the long run. She tried not to be nervous as she stepped into the Zeta tube. The experience was inexpressible to her, it felt strange and she felt a little dizzy afterwards. "Guest G-01," announced the machine.

Batman had been talking to Nightwing, Miss Martian, and Artemis but he now stopped. They all looked confused except Batman, who had a hunch about who it was. "I told you not to follow me," he said looking around. Elizabeth had thought it was best that she put on her chameleon mode before coming since she didn't know how Bruce would react. "Show yourself," Batman commanded looking almost straight at Elizabeth.

"I thought you might need help," she stated, "since there's been trouble rising almost everywhere."

"I don't have time for this!" Batman almost shouted but yet managed to keep the noise level low at the same time. The group looked around yet Miss Martian seemed to look almost at Elizabeth. Before Elizabeth could speak Batman threw a Batarang at her.

"Crocodile mode!" She shouted remembering the speech programming. The camouflage came off and the nanobots hardened forming a shell around Elizabeth's skin. Everyone looked at her still quite confused. Batman narrowed his eyes.

Nightwing asked, "Who's this? I didn't know we were getting a visitor."

"I'm Nightingale, and no one was expecting me. I just showed up," Elizabeth replied.

Batman spoke silencing the others before they could ask more questions, "Nightingale you need to leave, or have you forgotten what I've told you."

"No," she said, "I haven't forgotten what you've told me. I'm just following through." He knew that she was implying the whole "go out and change the world" speech he gave her but he was trying to remind her that his job was dangerous.

"This isn't what I meant, you know that." Batman stated.

Elizabeth shrugged saying, "Well, it was a bit confusing since you didn't clearly define the areas. Too many unknown variables in the first place.

"Go on ahead, I'll catch up. Red Tornado will give you more information." He said directing the group away from his problem.

Elizabeth crossed her arms and inquired, "So it's okay for you to go running around town beating up felons but it isn't okay for me to?"

"Where did you get the suit from?" Batman asked ignoring the question she posed.

"I made it," she answered, "and its tech can change the world... but it requires a person to wear it."

"You need to go home, the others will be worried." He stated trying to convince her to go.

Elizabeth laughed, "I'm not going."

Nightwing rushed back out of breath. "Why aren't you going?" Batman asked.

"I was told to make sure you weren't going to hard on her," Nightwing stated, "Red Tornado's orders."

"You aren't coming with us so leave," Batman said turning back to Elizabeth.

"I can't," she told him, "the system already deleted me from its banks so I can't get back the way I came."

He spoke, "I can reprogram you in."

"Should I leave?" Nightwing inquired.

"No," Elizabeth answered.

At the same time Batman replied, "Yes." He turned to Elizabeth asking, "Why did you have to follow me?"

"It's my job to make sure everything's all right." She told him. Batman knew that she was lying, but at the same time he felt it had a little truth behind it.

Batman spoke, "Yes, but only to make sure everything's all right in the Batcave, not out in the field." He tapped her for emphasis and all the sudden the suit was coming off of her arms and legs.

"What did you do that for?" Elizabeth exclaimed as she tried to regain control of her suit.

"What?" he said confused as the suit neatly presented itself as a shirt and tights. The emblem was still there though. "Where did you come across this?" Batman inquired.

Elizabeth laughed, "I didn't come across it, I made it." They stood there for a while before Elizabeth regained control of her suit as she explained, "It's nanotech. I control it either through my voice or my thoughts, but it seems like it has a weak point. I'm still working through the bugs. It has a lot of room to grow, but it has simple protection like when you through that Batarang at me. It hardens itself to protect me from harm. I'm working on protection from extreme temperatures and disguising my heat signature."

"Fine," Batman spoke interrupting her explanation, "you can join us tonight."

"Really?" Elizabeth asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it was that easy. You're ready." he said turning away.

Nightwing looked at the two making the connection between them, Batman (he already knew) was Bruce and Nightingale was Elizabeth. His eyes grew wide as he started to worry about his girlfriend. "Are you sure?" Nightwing inquired, "She hasn't had group training yet!"

"Relax, she's been trained on how to defend herself. It's not that much different fighting with a team than just by yourself. I thought you already knew that." Batman replied looking at Nightwing, a knowing look in his eyes.

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