Chapter Seven

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Gotham City

August 8, 09:47

It was a quiet day. Elizabeth was getting ready to start school, Alfred had shown her how to drive different ways to get to the campus. He would be taking her most of the time since there were things in the city that needed to get done. Elizabeth's schedule had her staying after a lunch time since she was taking extra classes to get ahead. Evelyn was asleep in her room and Alfred was cleaning. Elizabeth had just walked in when she heard Alfred grunt. Soon after he fell to the floor. Elizabeth wasn't fast enough to catch him so he hit the ground hard. Alfred wasn't breathing.

"Selina!" Elizabeth shouted scared.

Selina came running she stopped when she saw the two. "Oh my!" She exclaimed.

Alfred took a breath and Elizabeth spoke, "Alfred we're going to get you help, but stay with us. Selina get Evelyn and I'll get Alfred to the car." He struggled to get up. "Take deep breaths, it's going to be okay." Elizabeth told the old man leading him to the car where she put him in the front seat. Selina was soon there.

"Give me directions to get to the hospital." Elizabeth commanded as Evelyn was put in her car seat. Selina gave directions as Elizabeth speed down the streets. She kept glancing over to check on Alfred. He was still having difficulty breathing.

Finally they reached the hospital. Alfred collapsed once again but this time Elizabeth caught him. Nurses rushed to take the old man from her and into an emergency room. Selina sat there quiet holding on to her baby for dear life.

Elizabeth realized she should call Bruce to let him know what was going on. "Hello Bruce Wayne speaking," he answered.

"Mr. Wayne, it's Alfred... he's, there's something wrong with him. We're at the emergency room." Elizabeth spoke almost in tears.

Bruce cursed, "I'm busy right now. I'll be there as soon as I can. I have somethings to deal with."

So they waited... and waited. A lot of time passed with no news. Evelyn began to get cranky. Soon Bruce was there, busting through the doors. "Is there any news?" He asked going up to them.

"Nothing yet," Elizabeth replied.

A doctor walked up and inquired, "Are you the people that brought Alfred Pennyworth?"

"Yes," the group answered not quite in unison.

"Well," the doctor paused, "I have some bad news for you."

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