Parents (smüt)

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Hi so in this you and Patrick have had a child and you're wanting to have a romantic night in but it doesn't really go to plan to begin with

There is smüt!!!

I hope you enjoy!!


It was yours and Patrick's five year wedding anniversary. Every day you spent with him just bought more and more joy into your life and you couldn't imagine coming home to anyone else... besides your adorable son, Declan. He was now almost 4. Time had flown by, it seemed like only yesterday you were yelling at the top of your lungs, clutching Patrick's hand which was turning white from intense squeezing. And then having the tiny body of your baby boy laid on your chest, after all that pain and labor... that's what made it all worth while. Not to mention Patrick sweeping the hair away that was stuck to your face and kissing your head, telling you you did amazingly at welcoming your son into the world...

But that was almost 4 years ago. Tonight was your anniversary and you and Patrick had decided to celebrate.

It was a Friday night and Declan had been worn out with intensive and extensive games of chase and hide-and-seak. You cluod tell he was sleepy but he denied it, just like his father. You chuckled at yourself often about how similar they really were.

Patrick returned home a little earlier than usual.

The familiar, "I'm home!" Came from the front door.

"Daddy's home!" You said excitedly to Declan who gasped happily and got up with you, his tiny legs waddling him in the direction of his father.

"Daddy!!" Shouted Declan, his arms outstretched to his dad.

"Hey hey little man! Have you been looking after Mommy for me?" He said, picking him up after putting something down on the hallway table.

Declan nodded, smiling, and began to explain what you and him had done all day. You leaning against the door frame, watching them both, Patrick making shocked faces and saying things like 'wow that sounds so fun!' And 'all that in one day!!' You chuckled, you loved their relationship with each other, it was so sweet.

"You really did look after Mommy didn't you?" Saod Patrick, with a smile.

Declan nodded again

"Good boy," Patrick said, kissing Declans cheek as he put him down. He scampered away to watch whatever movie you'd put on for him.

"Hey Baby," Patrick said to you as he opened his arms and you walked towards him, giving him a hug as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and kissed your temple.

"Hey," you replied, snuggling into his warm shoulder. He smelt very much of Lynx, he must have recently applied some.

"Busy day?" He asked,keeping you in the embrace.

You nodded snd hummed, "mhm."

"It sounded it," he said with a laugh. You laughed too with a nod. "Happy anniversary, Princess," he added, kissing your head again.

You looked up at him, looking eyes with a sweet smile. "Happy anniversary," you whispered as you kissed softly.

"Any plans tonight, Miss..." said Patrick, asking as though he didn't know who you were.

You chuckled. "Well, I have a three year old son who has to be put to bed-"

"Oh that's a shame. I was thinking of asking you out for dinner but..." Patrick shrugged, his arms drooped over your shoulders, yoyr hands on his waist.

Patrick Stump Imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now