In Sweaty Rooms (fluff)

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In sweaty rooms
Now we're doomed to organizing walk-in closets like tombs
Silent film stars stuck in talking cinema light
So let's fade away together one dream at a time

Oh where did the party go?
We were ending it on the phone
I'm not gonna go home alone
Where, where did the party go?

Hey so this one is you're at a party and meet a cute guy, anyone wanna guess who it is? Here's a clue, theyre a teenager...

Also it's a non-gendered reader

This story is pretty intense and unpleasant as a warning so you might not want to read it and that's ok. The last thing I wanna do is make anyone uncomfortable but here are the triggers:

. Alcohol use
. S*xual assault
. Spiking
. Fighting
. Shouting

I hope you enjoy. Please request or at least tell me what you all want to read please please pleaseeeee


You'd been dragged along... again, to yet another night out you didn't want to be at. Not being much of a party animal or social butterfly or any other animal description of things you weren't, a sweaty dance room full of strobe lighting and pheromones wasn't your cup of tea. Your friends were on the hunt for partners and you just wanted to go home.

On arrival you were ID'ed at the door and (much to your disappointment) you were allowed entry to the establishment. It was just how you imagined, horrible. A small and humid room packed to thr brim with people in skimpy outfits grinding up against one another. The music was so loud coming from the DJ booth that you coukd feel the bass in your chest. Youe friend said something to you but you could barely hear him over the booming music.

"What?!" You screamed back, putting your ear close to his mouth.

"I said, isn't it great!?" He shouted back.

Yoyr grimaced but he didn't notice, the purple light had just dappled off your face. "Oh yeah it's great," you replied.

Seemingly oblivious to your true feelings, he nodded and took your hand as you took your other friend's, dragging you into thr beating heart of the brawl. You thought he knew that you hated things like this but maybe the adrenaline or the smell of perfume had washed that from his mind.

Okay, so now you were pressed up against some clammy girl who seemed to have taken an interest in your friend already. Tightly, you held onto your other friends hand, the last thing you wanted was to be separated in here, you'd never find each other again in the void of shadowed faces and skin, not to mention the epileptic-enducing flashing lights.

"Shall we go to the toilet for a bit?' You asked your friend. At least it might be quieter in there.

They nodded. "We can't forget Jamie though!"

Turning back to Jamie, you saw him aggressively making out with the lady he'd just come into contact with. Man, things move quick on thr dance floor.

Torn on whether to leave him or interrupt his romantic face eating, you finally decided on telling him where you ans your friend were going. Tapping him on the shoulder, you quickly yelled in his ear that you and Rowan were nipping to the toilet. He understood and quickly went back to making out with his muse.

The toilets were a lot more relaxed although there were plenty of people in there, laughing, crying, drinking and doing heaven knows in the stalls. The rhythmic boom of the music still made its way through the walls and into youe ears. There was no escape.

Patrick Stump Imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now