Alpha Dog (fluff)

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Alpha dog and oh, oh, Omegalomaniac
Alpha dog and oh, Omega-megalo (Oh, oh)
Welcome to the new déjà vu
I can almost see the wizard through the curtains
Alpha dog and oh, oh, Omegalomaniac


Male reader story!!!

In this Patrick surprises you with a present! ... guesses on what it is...

There is also brief and non detailed talk on animal abandonment as a warning.

Anyway I hope you enjoy! Feedback as always please guys!!!


It had been five years (five whole years!) since you and Patrick had tied the knot and it was your anniversary! You never did anything extravagant for it, usually just a meal out, or in, and some small gifts and cards. Because while it was veey special to celebrate the amazing time you'd bad together, you both did it pretty much every day in your own ways. You helped each other out whenever you could, bought small gifts if you saw something that the other would like and you loved each other every second of every day. Also, you'd told Patrick time and time again to not 'waste money' on things like flowers or bath bombs that would unlimately die or be used and no longer exist. Just having the husband of youe dreams with you forever was more than enough if an anniversary gift.

It was early morning, well, early for a weekend, 9am to be exact as you rolled over in bed and checked the time. Patrick wasn't beside you which was strange. Usually he waited in bed for you to wake up, especially on your anniversary, then you'd share a kiss, a soppy word and a cuddle before getting out of bed and doing whatever you'd planned for your special day together. Thankfully the anniversaries had always landed on a time yoh were off work ans he'd book thr day off too so you could spend the day doing what couples did.

With a sigh you turned on to your back and looked at thr ceiling, a soft smile on your face. You were so happy, even thouhj he wasn't there with you right now, you knew what the day would bring, endless smiles, laughs, hugs, kisses... juat pure joy like every day was with him in your life.

Listening but not purposefully, you heard noises downstairs. He must be down there, probably making you breakfast in bed. That had happened on a few occasions but still rarely enough for it to be special. You contemplated waiting in bed for him or going down to see him. The yawn you made decided you, you'd stay in bed for ten more minutes and if he didn't come back up by then, you'd head down.

Surely enough, after a few minutes you heard slow footsteps up the stairs and coming towards your room. They are slow maybe because he was carrying something? Like your breakfast? You didn't want to just expect these things but you couldn't help bur hope or wish that he would do that for you, which of course he would, bur whether this was the occasion for it or not was yet to be discovered.

"Hey... y/n, are you awake?" Came Patrick's whisper through the door.

Smiling to yourself you answered, "yeah, I'm awake,' in a sleepy voice, granted, it was your first sentence of the day.

"Happy anniversary my love! I have a surprise for you," he said a bit louder, you could hear the excited grin on his face.

"Happy anniversary! Oo what is it?" You asked, resulting in a laugh from Patrick.

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