In Sweaty Rooms (fluff. pt2)

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I know I expect too much
And not enough all at once
You know I only wanted fun
And you got me all fucked up on love

I looked for your name on the ouija board
And your naked magic, oh dear lord
You and me are the difference between real love
And the love on TV, love on TV

This is part 2 from the story before and is still fluff but it has some sensitive topics that you should be aware of.

. Nightmares
. Talk of SA
. Talk of trauma

Also if anything similar to these events has happened to you or someone you know then please speak to someone. I'm not trying to glamorise this in anyway, I'm trying to bring awareness and make victims feel heard and comforted. I know I'm a stranger to you all but if any of you need to talk then I will listen.

I hope you're all alright

I care about you all

Happy reading


More than ready for a good sleep, you headed to bed, changed out of yoyr party clothes and put thr jacket beside you on the bed. Checking your phone one last time, you saw a message from Patrick:

'Get an early night and sleep well. Would you like to meet up tomorrow some time? Don't worry, you can keep the jacket if we do xx'

You lay on your back and replied,

'I'd love too. Just heading to bed rn but I'd love to meet up tomorrow. How about Italia, that little coffee shop in town? Maybe for a 10am drink? Thank you'

Contemplating whether to put 'xx' on the end, you decided to do it, he'd done it before so he felt comfortable enough for you to do it back.

With a relaxed and content smile on your face you drifted off to sleep, the negative events from the night completely cast from your mind.

Ypu were running but he was catching you up, you couldn't get away. No matter how quickly you moved or tried to at least, it was like you were trying to sprint through water or drying cement. It was hopeless. And there he was, charging at you with some inhumane speed and strength, a wicked grin across his face, a needle in his hand. He was after you. There was no doubt. There was also no doubt he was going to catch you and fo heaven knows to you. You screamed but you were alone in an empty liminal space being persued by this beast of a man. You tried and tried to run bur hr advanced. He was metres away... he coukd reach you. You screamed again.

And you awoke, panting and alone in your dark bedroom, no Patrick to comfort you. You were alone. Alone. Shaking a little, you tried to pull yourself together. It was just a dream, you told yourself but it was hopeless; it was a dream based off something real that you had truly experienced, a real life nightmare.

Turning on your bedroom lamp beside you, you proved to yourself that yoy room was well and truely empty, a realisation that both comforted and scared you at the same time. But deep down you knew he wasn't there and he would hopefully never see you again.

The time read 4:39 am.

Your heart was pumping useless adrenaline around your body, far too much for so early in the morning.

After trying idley to go back to sleep, you decided to get up and make yourself a drink.

Standing in thr kitchen in youe dressing gown waiting for the kettle to boil, your thoughts flicked between Patrick and the man from the night before and a realisation of what had actually happened finally sunk in.

Patrick Stump Imagines/oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now