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A/N:  Sorry for not updating for a hot minute had some deaths in the family and could't bring myself to write till now. Sorry about the short Chapter 

"The children were in my company until Bobby called out to them to go wash their hands. Afterward, Bobby walked into the living room to check on Athena. She had been feeling unwell the past few days. She nodded her head to indicate she was okay, and Bobby helped her up. They made their way to the kitchen to wash their hands and returned to the living room to find that the children had set up for dinner.

Bobby came back to help me to my spot, and then he went to the kitchen with May to fetch the food. I picked up the remote control and switched on the family show that we were watching. After dinner, the kids cleaned up the table and put all the plates and trays back in their places. Athena then reminded them that they could go to bed, but she cautioned them not to stay up too late. She also asked them to think about what they wanted to get their grandpa for his birthday. The children said their goodnights to Athena and Bobby and went to their rooms.

Bobby and Athena sat down to talk about their day, but they were interrupted by a call from Athena's parents. I looked at Bobby and said that something seemed off with them. Athena reassured me that I had nothing to worry about and reminded me to remain calm and relaxed, as the doctor had advised. Later, Bobby helped Athena to their bedroom and helped her to get ready for bed.

Over the next few days, Athena stayed at home and spent quality time with Bobby and the children. She also ordered gifts online for her dad, which were on their way to her parent's house."  

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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