Chapter 21: Unexpected Intrusions

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Draco's POV:

I sat in the far corner of the library, engrossed in my potions book, a reluctant participant in Pansy's scheme. I wasn't thrilled about it, but neither was I truly angry. The Golden Trio and Weasley's sister interrupted my solitary reading, with Harry taking a seat beside me.

"What are they doing here?" I glared at them, questioning Potter's decision to bring the whole group along.

"They wanted to come," he said sheepishly, and my annoyance grew. "And you let them?" I raised my voice, exasperated. He shrugged, and I sighed, returning to my potions book.

"Why so angry, Malfoy? We haven't even done anything yet," Ron said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes, closed my book, and directed my gaze at Harry.

"So what are we going to do?" I asked, anticipating a productive study session.

"We could work on charms; we have a test tomorrow, anyways," Harry suggested, pulling out his charms book. I reluctantly got out mine, and the others followed suit. Despite my initial resistance, the looming tests forced us to cooperate.

As we quizzed each other, my focus wavered when I felt Harry's hand grab mine, his touch gentle. I relaxed as our fingers intertwined, but he eventually released my hand and placed it on my thigh. My unease heightened as his hand moved upwards, prompting me to grab his wrist, halting any further exploration.

"Malfoy, are you even listening?" Granger interrupted, pulling me from my thoughts. I assured her that I was, attempting to ignore the fact that Harry's hand was now on my crotch. I bit my lip to suppress any sounds, and when Harry caught my eyes, he smirked, squeezing and returning to his book.

Unable to endure it any longer, I grabbed my books, stuffed them into my bag, and hastily left the library. I ran straight to the Fat Lady's painting, leaned against the wall, and slid down, sitting on the floor with my knees pulled up to my chest.

Not long after, Longbottom found me on the floor, questioning my unusual position. I explained my lack of knowledge about the password, leading to him offering to share it. Eagerly, I agreed, and he revealed it to be "Slytherin's suck." I rolled my eyes, said the password, and ran up to me and Harry's room.

Closing the curtains, I found myself immersed in confusion and a building tension in my pants. As I focused on trying to calm myself, Harry entered the room, catching me off guard. Before I knew it, we were engaged in a heated make-out session on my bed. His lips met mine, and I reciprocated eagerly.

Breaking the kiss, he trailed down my neck. I bit my lip to stifle any noises, but he told me to stop, pulling me in for another kiss. As he released my lips, airy moans escaped my mouth. His hand slid up my shirt, making its way to my chest, when suddenly, Pansy and Blaise burst into the room.

Harry immediately paused and moved away from me as Pansy opened the curtains, smirking at the scene. "Why is Potter on your bed?" she said, her satisfaction evident.

"We were just studying, don't get the wrong idea," I replied, getting up and fixing my robe. Blaise and Pansy chuckled, pointing out the hickeys on my neck.

"You'll need to cover those up," Pansy teased. Just as I managed to compose myself, Harry's friends and Weasley's sister entered the room.

"Why is everyone in here?" Harry asked, clearly puzzled.

There was a tense silence that hung in the air, heavy with unspoken questions and implications. I straightened up, a furrow forming on my brow, and looked at Granger expectantly. The weight of her words loomed over the room.

"Well," she began slowly, breaking the silence, "we came here to tell Malfoy that... his father's here."


Apologies for the delay; as some of you are aware, my phone is seriously damaged, to the extent that it won't turn on. I'm currently awaiting a replacement, and it's now 6:15 am. Despite having school today, I wanted to provide an update because I'm uncertain when I'll be able to do so next. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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Word Count:692

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