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Eira was convinced Luffy was the only person in the world who could think of such a chaotic entrance. She had never been so amused.

When Pudding revealed her third eye to Sanji, he showed her kindness causing the bride to fall to her knees in tears without firing her gun almost derailing the whole plan. However, Sanji dodged something aimed at him from the crowd that hit the minister instead. The man had been ready to step in with his own weapon, but as he went down, he pulled the trigger without aim and Luffy's signal rang.

The wedding cake exploded with a bunch of Luffy clones causing guests to run in panic. Big Mom's children froze in shock. The Yonko lost it as the cake fell to pieces. Jimbei, who Eira was so impressed with, officially left the Big Mom Pirates. So much happened in so little time.

Eira's amusement quickly diminished once Judge stood from his seat. "Those idiots! How dare they interfere. They came to take back Sanji."

She stayed silent, eyes meeting Reiju's with a smirk on her face. The older girl knew then that there was a something in motion. But the oldest child of Big Mom, Perospero, had to cut in. "Don't worry, Vinsmokes. We Charlottes will handle this!"

As Brook smashed the photo of Mother Carmel, Eira figured everything was pretty much in the air with their plan. Besides the point, she made a mental note to have the skeleton show her the 'Soul Solid' move up close.

When Perospero said he would protect them 'firmly' and forced Judge back into his seat, she knew this would be the moment of the attempt at their lives. But Eira wasn't planning on dying any time soon.


Sanji didn't tolerate anyone laying a hand on a woman. So despite Pudding trying to shoot him, when Daifuku came after them and slapped her aside, he was angry for her.

Though, fighting a genie was new one.

Then he heard his father's voice yell, "How could you do this to us?"

Momentarily distracted, Sanji panicked slightly knowing his family and Eira were in danger. The thought urged him on, pretty much taking down his opponent with one 'Flambage Shot' and heading straight for them.


They were surrounded, guns pointed to the backs of each of their heads. Eira hummed quietly, eyes closed, freezing the weapons from the inside while doing the same to the candy crawling up her body.

Perospero's power allowed him to trap his targets in the hard substance, which would be an interesting way to die. Not that anyone at the table but Judge really cared. The siblings sat with no care in the world, perks of not having emotions or accepting fate. Eira knew there was nothing to worry about but Judge wouldn't stop yelling and even started to cry.

"It's not cool to act like that, Father." Ichiji's unbothered voice mocked. "We're doomed, bound in candy."

Yonji snickered, "They took our weapons, even the Raid Suits."

"We've been set up. I guess we aimed too high." Niji laughed, his brothers joining in.

Judge couldn't believe his sons were laughing in this situation, not realizing he was the reason they were this way.

"Can you stop that incessant humming?"

Eira paused, cracking one eye open to see Perospero glaring at her. But of course, she ignored him and continued as she was.

"Now, it's time for some fun!" He tried to sound unbothered from being ignored by the female.

Perospero signaled to his siblings to shoot, only for there to be confusion as all the guns jammed.

Then Big Mom let out her wail, rendering everyone on the roof pretty much useless except for those prepared with earplugs. Eira had slipped hers in when everyone was distracted by the wild Luffys, allowing most sound to be drowned out.

Sensing Sanji's approach to the table, Eira broke free of the frozen candy. She waved her left hand to encase the Yonko's incapacitated children around them in ice. Sanji jumped into the air and spun, creating fire from his leg that effectively broke the rest of the candy that covered his family. Nami, Chopper, and Carrot emerged placing earplugs in their ears and handing back their weapons.

Standing tall on top of the table, feet still burning, the male glared at his father. Sanji was relieved Eira and Reiju were ok, satisfied that the rest hadn't died at the hands of Big Mom.

But everything was going well until it wasn't. The power behind the wail blew up the missiles aimed to poison her leaving the Straw Hats and Fire Tank Pirates stunned. As the Yonko's children were recovering and gathering to attack, the allied groups realized the trouble they were now in and took off in an effort to escape. However, the wail also broke the mirror they'd planned to retreat through, leaving them stranded.

And then Bege transformed into a full-size, solid wall castle robot. Calling for his allies, he instructed them to take shelter inside so they could come up with a new escape plan.

Germa wouldn't let the betrayal against them slide and Eira had planned to fight regardless. As the remaining Straw Hats struggled to reach safety, the commanders of Germa 66 transformed.

Eira landed in a crouch at the front of their group, sword strapped to her back and matching Raid Suit on - an all white, low-cut mini dress and white cape labeled with a 5. She was causing a controlled snow storm as they covered the retreat.

The groups watch in awe at the might of the Germa royal family. They were strong and fast, each having a unique skill that helped take down an enemy in mere seconds. Once everyone had safely made it inside Bege's castle, Germa joined them. The Straw Hats fawned from afar at how cool their white-haired friend looked.

Everyone was gathered in the main room of the castle robot as they felt it start to move. Unfortunately, they were abruptly stopped. Removing their earplugs when they realized the wail couldn't be heard within the thick walls, Bege appeared and addressed the group. "The assassination plot we worked on for over a year ended in failure. This is the first time we've failed to kill someone. Furthermore, the castle can no longer move as it is now stuck in candy."

And then the captain of the Fire Tank Pirates let out a pained yell, falling to the ground as if he'd been attacked.

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