Part 13

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POV: Mr Park

After church, Abigail and I decided to stop by a restaurant to catch up on my side, Gideon was going to join us later. I do not get a chance to conversate with Abigail, well mostly because I avoid those talks but I wanted it to change. She was going to be my sister in-law and even though I know the basics about her, I wanted to make sure that as much as my brother loved her, was my brother loved in return? Although it was a me problem, I still wanted to make sure. Of course I was not going to ask her, it had to show in her actions. I was just going to be monitoring spirit in their lives like how Gideon is with me.

"Sister in-law," I smiled at her.

"Mrs Park would slap different," she took a sip from her tea.

"On a serious note, you are aware that marriage is a covenant - a forever thing. Are you ready for that?"

"I'm ecstatic about having Gideon as my forever helper, partner and friend. Someone to break generational curses with, have long drives filled with worship music, someone to serve God with, endure trials and tribulations with...I am just so happy that Gideon chose me for such a role," she smiled with so much life in her eyes.

"I hope you are not settling for my brother."

"Settling? No, I would choose him in another life if I could."

"A 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 type of love?"


As our waiter was giving us the bill, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Kathrine. With her was a younger girl who resembled the girl that I saw Hannah walk with the other time. Maria. "Mr Park, it has been a while," she said.

I got up from my chair and gave her a side hug, just to welcome her and for respect. "Kathrine, what brings you here?"

Her eyes grew big with amazement. "You can now stand on your own! Its so amazing and you are so tall."

I laughed as it slipped my mind that there was a time when I could not go from one place to another without the help of someone. Without the help of Hannah. I wonder how many people still think I am in a wheelchair. "All thanks to Jesus. What are you doing here?"

"We are meeting someone here and yourself?"

"Catching up. Who's your little friend?" I asked, curious to find out whether it was indeed Hannah's sister,

"Maria, she's Hannah's little sister," Kathy smiled down at her.


"I haven't talked to Hannah since she left the house, how's she doing?"

"She's alright."

"Is she around?"

"I'm not sure but you can give her a call."

"I don't have her number."

"I can give it to you."

An awkward silence fell as I contemplated on getting the number. Did I want it? Would I call her if I get it? Did I want to hear her voice? Will it be worth it?

I cannot call a married woman.

"I do not want to disturb her honeymoon," I thought out loud.

"She told you she was getting married?"

"Not really but I'm happy for her."

Kathrine stood there with a puzzled facial expression. "My sister is not married," spoke annoyed little Maria.


"I'll get her number on his behalf," Abigail cut in.

At that moment, I was speechless, shocked and I had so many questions. Abigail got the number and Kathrine and little Maria walked away. Hannah was not married? I sat down because it felt like everything I knew or concluded to was a lie.

I was stunned.

"Hannah is not married?" I asked Abigail.

"That's what the little girl said. Are you okay?"

"I need to be alone."

POV: Abigail

Jeremiah left me at the restaurant as I was waiting for Gideon. He looked distraught and he was out of touch with the world. It pained me to see him that way considering that he tries so hard to not show his true emotions, but the news of Hannah not being married really hit home for him. I could not imagine what he was going through but I do know that he is not going to be happy when he finds out what Gideon and I have been hiding from him.

It didn't take long for Gideon to arrive at the restaurant. I was just worried about his brother and how he was processing the news. "He knows that Hannah is not married," I told Gideon.

"How?! What- How did he-...huh?!"

I explained everything to him. "Sooner or later he was bound to find out but not in the manner that he had."

"We should've told him earlier."

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