Part 21

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POV: Mr Park

I stood there, rendered speechless by the events that had just unfolded. The pain from what had transpired still lingered within me, the echoes of the past refusing to fade away. Hannah had dialled my brother, who promptly arrived to collect us. As she prepared to depart, I urged her to stay, sensing that our conversation was far from over. I yearned to delve into the heart of our issues, a part of me believing that this relentless pursuit of understanding might have been my undoing. Why couldn't I bring myself to let her walk away? Was it due to my deep-seated issues of attachment and fear of abandonment?

The situation seemed far more complex than I had ever envisioned. Emily's sudden reappearance in my life left me bewildered. What did she truly desire? How had she discovered details about Hannah? Questions swirled in my mind, each one more perplexing than the last. The mere act of thinking became a chore, as my mind grappled with a storm of unanswered queries.

Alone in bed, thoughts raced through my mind while Hannah lingered somewhere in the house, likely undergoing a lecture from my overprotective brother. I couldn't blame him; our shared history had instilled within us a deep-rooted need to shield one another from pain. Yet, his predicament lay in the fact that he couldn't dismiss Hannah, not when I had requested her presence.

On one side stood Emily, who had once scorned me for my supposed lack of attractiveness. On the other side was Hannah, who now seemed to distance herself due to my perceived handsomeness. How had I stumbled into such a surreal dilemma, torn between two contrasting worlds?

The entrance of Gideon and Hannah disrupted my contemplation. Hannah avoided meeting my gaze, her demeanour subdued. Gideon remarked solemnly on the tragic events of the previous night and hinted that Hannah was poised to elucidate the unfolding circumstances.

In a quiet tone, Hannah expressed regret for allowing matters to escalate, acknowledging her error in playing the victim. Her words hung heavy in the air, leaving behind a trail of unanswered 'whys.' As Gideon signalled their departure, I interjected, insisting that Hannah remain with me to continue our discussion.

My decision appeared to weigh heavily on Hannah, casting a shadow of sadness over her features. Despite Gideon's clear disapproval, he respected my wishes and departed, leaving us in strained solitude. The physical distance between us felt as though it mirrored an unspoken conflict, a rift that existed only in perceived emotions.

Recalling our encounter at the pool, where Gideon and Abigail had surreptitiously observed us, I gently reminded Hannah of my vow not to engage in needless strife. I implored her to cease her inner battles, underscoring that mutual understanding and harmony were paramount.

Hannah sat in silence, head bowed, toying with her ring. I hesitated to press her for a response, knowing that genuine sentiments couldnt be coerced. "That is all I wished to convey. You are free to depart if you so desire," I uttered, sensing the deep-rooted turmoil within her.

With a deep breath, Hannah revealed a truth that shattered the fragile silence. Mr Shikongo's menacing ultimatum hovered over her, endangering not just her own freedom but also that of her underage sister. Her tearful confession illuminated the darkness shrouding her decisions, exposing the harsh reality of her predicament.

The ring, a mere symbol, paled in comparison to the weight of her arranged marriage to Mr Shikongo. Her sacrifice for her sister's well-being held the keys to her every action. I finally understood the source of her anguish. The pieces fell into place, revealing a cruel fate that bound her to servitude unless a drastic intervention altered her course.

Witnessing her silent turmoil, I witnessed her subtle gestures, poignant in their clarity. As she removed her ring, placing it delicately on the bedside table, a silent resolve pervaded the room. Her decision was made, her path seemingly fixed.

Refusing to let her slip away once more, I spoke the words that had lingered unspoken before. "Marry me, Hannah Matthews," I implored, a fervent plea born from the depths of my heart. To my surprise, she halted, her eyes meeting mine in an unspoken dialogue.

Offering her my hand, I beckoned her closer, a silent invitation to share in an unspoken bond. With trembling emotions, she returned to my side, grasping my hand and taking her place beside me.

Amidst tears and uncertainty, she questioned my motivations, doubting the viability of our union given the complexities of our intertwined lives. Undeterred, I knelt before her, unveiling a ring that symbolised my unwavering commitment to her, a tangible testament to the depth of my affections.

Together, we stood at the precipice of a new chapter, daunted by the uncertainties that loomed before us. Her question about Emily lingered in the air, a spectre of the past threatening to overshadow our fragile present.

In a mix of levity and earnestness, she implored for a persuasive PowerPoint presentation to sway her decision. Laughing, I acquiesced, playfully engaging in our intimate dance of words and emotions.

As she extended her arms for an embrace, I surrendered to the pull of her warmth, enveloped in a moment of shared tenderness. Yet, the playfulness of our exchange soon dissolved into a pillow fight, a light-hearted gesture of affection underscoring the depth of our burgeoning bond.

Through tears and tremors, we bared our souls, each word a testament to the raw emotions that bound us. In that pivotal moment, amid uncertainty and trepidation, we forged a bond that transcended the trials that loomed ahead.

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