Chapter One: A Girl Named Charlie

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There are many different types of orphans. There are the hopeful kind, wishing and hoping all the time for their parents to come or a new family to show up. Always cheerful. There's the kind that accept the fact that they are who they are and there's nothing they can do about it. So, they move on with their life and find peace or happiness or whatever. There's the kind obsessed with unlocking the mystery of their unknown past. They always end up insane. And then there's the bitter ones. Charlie knew she was definitely a bitter one. A bitter orphan decides that life is a joke. They weren't wanted by anyone, so they decide it's best that they don't need anyone. Charlie escaped yet another time. That stupid orphanage wasn't going to keep her until she was eighteen. She had a different plan. She needed to be out of New Jersey. They always found her despite her efforts and theirs. She would hide out in a building for weeks or get a job and they always found her. She had to go out of state. As insane as that was, she had to. Goodbye New Jersey. There was only one place to go where they would never find her. Hello New York. Hidden in the luggage car, she was off. She was surprised of how easy it was. Once there she took in all of the sights at once. The busy streets and tall buildings astounded her. Everyone bustled around to a pace she couldn't keep up with. It was amazing.

Ok. Let's make this work. She thought to herself. She knew she could do it. She didn't need anything from anyone. She always made it on her own. She was a bitter orphan. They always last the longest. She had no idea what New York had in store for her, but of course as destiny always does, you find out through different moments. Of course her first one was nearly running over someone. The fruit cart was tipped over as she found herself collapsed over a boy about her age, maybe older. A newsie. His newspapers flew away in the wind as he tried to get up and snatch them back, to no avail. A few squashed banana chunks speckled the bottom of her skirt and his clothes also.

"Um...sorry." She said as she helped him up, only to slip on a banana peel and squish a few oranges. The owner of the cart glared at them as they both continued down the road after finally getting themselves together.

"That was hilarious! Did ya see dat guy's face? Priceless. I'se Jack by the way." He held out a sticky orange scented hand, but since hers weren't much better, she took it anyway.

"I'se so sorry--"

"Don't worry bout it. Didn't catch your name."


"But you'se a goil."

"I'se don't care if it's a boy's name!! Ya wanna make somethin' of it??"


"Good. Ya know where I'se can find a job?"

"You'se wanna be a newsie? I'se can teach ya, free of charge. Ya learn from me ya learn from the best. Whadda ya say?"

"Sure. Why not?"

"Good. Come wit me ta da lodging house. You'se can meet da otha boys."

She didn't trust him. She didn't trust anybody. But he seemed harmless. She agreed and followed. She needed this job and since it was so easy to get, why pass up the offer? That one decision will change her life.

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