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Requested by PoteaSoul


TW/CW: Flying/ planes and panic attacks

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TW/CW: Flying/ planes and panic attacks

Panic attack: a brief episode of intense anxiety, which causes the physical sensations of fear. These can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, trembling and muscle tension

//- Third Person -\\

For as long as he could remember, Sapnap had always been scared of flying. It was easier when the flights he was on, were calmer and quieter. But sometimes, the flights would be crowded, loud and turbulent.

The flights would also be better, no matter; the amount of people on the flight, the turbulence and the duration of the flight. If his boyfriend Dream was there. Sapnap didn't really know how, but Dream knew exactly when something was wrong and exactly how to help.

"Are you sure you're going to be ok sweetheart?"

"Yeah I will be.. thank you Dream."

Sapnap spoke in a hushed tone, making Dream grab onto his hand and squeeze it tightly. Dream brought Sapnap's hand up to his lips and pressed his lips against the soft skin of Sapnaps hand. The two walked to the gate and boarded the plane.

Dream continued to rub his thumb over Sapnaps knuckles, trying to calm Sapnap down as best as he can. The two made their way onto the plane, thankfully being some of the last passengers boarded.

The two males made their way to the seats, knowing that  they were sat near the doors in case of an emergency. Dream turned his head to the side after putting his seatbelt on, seeing Sapnap panicking and struggling to put on his seatbelt.

"Here, let me help."

Sapnap looked up at Dream, who was looking down and the seat belt and putting it on with ease. He admired Dreams calm demeanour, and the comfort the older emitted.

"Thanks.. sorry I'm so stressed.."

"It's ok baby. You're alright to be scared. It's perfectly normal."

Sapnap hummed, nuzzling his head into Dreams shoulder and awaiting the plane to take off. When the plane finally took off, Sapnap clutched onto Dreams hand and arm. Dream took it upon himself to wrap his arm around Sapnaps body, and squeezed The hand that currently intertwined in his own.

The two sat as they were; Dream basically holding Sapnap in his arms and resting his head on top of Sapnaps, and Sapnap grasping onto Dreams arm and hand, his head resting on Dreams shoulder.

"You're ok love.. just breathe."

Dream whispered words of encouragement into Sapnaps ear, just trying to make sure that his boyfriend was comforted.

//- Sapnap ~ Half way through flight -\\

At this point, I was so thankful that Dream was here. He was being so comforting, and so loving and it made me feel so special and cared for. Which isn't that rare when I'm with Dream to be honest.

We had been listening to some music, with some wired headphones and the music was from an offline streaming app thankfully.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom ok lovely? I'll be right back."

"Oh- ok babe."

I watched as Dream got up from the aisle seat and walked away from me and towards the bathroom. I tried to glance a peak at the queues of the bathrooms and saw that they were quite large.

I groaned as I watched Dream walk towards the bath, feeling cold and alone. Thankfully I had Dreams hoodies on my body, emitting warmth and smell that I was so used to. I could feel the plane shake slightly, making me feel a little sick and worried.

As I paused the music so that Dream didn't miss any of it, I could feel the plane turn side to side and up and down. I clutched my mouth in my hands as I felt the plane lurch up and down.

I squeezed my eyes such and tried my hardest to ignore the burning feeling of worry and fear in my mind. Because of how focused on my thoughts I was, I didn't hear anything from the intercom.

Instead of hearing anything, I felt Dream sit back down next to me and his hands near my lap/ waist, eventually feeling a tightening feeling on my stomach. My seat belt.

"Sap? Baby what's up?"

"I- no.."

I blurted out, my breath becoming more and more sharp and uneven. I felt my heart tighten in my chest, and my lungs felt as if they were dried up and dead. I felt my muscles tense up, and i inhaled and exhaled swiftly, trying to catch my breath.

I held onto my chest tighter, and with my other hand I flicked my finger against my thigh. It was one of the ways I dealt with panic attacks. Or tried to at least. I felt myself becoming more and more dizzy, feeling like I was going to die.

"D-dream..? Help.."

I spat out, just trying to get some form of relief in my lungs. Nothing. I suddenly felt my muscles on my arm untighten.

"Sap, baby.. breathe with me.. you're ok. It's ok. Nothings going to happen.."

I shook my head, clutching my chest as I felt Dream run his hands through my hair. I smiled meekly, as if it was a half smile. I felt Dream move my head slightly, so that my head was resting on his chest. 

"Breathe with me love.. follow my breathing.."

I nodded gently, shutting my eyes. I could feel his chest rise up, meaning that he was inhaling. I copied him. We sat doing this for what felt like a minute or two. 

"How are you feeling now baby?"

"I'm alright now.. thank you bub.."

"Of course sweetheart. I love you so much. Not long left of the flight now."

I nodded, moving my head up to Dreams shoulder once more. Basically we were sitting as we were before Dream went to the bathroom. I gave him one of the headphones and put our music back on.

//- Third person ~ When they were at the hotel (after the flight) -\\

"Okay my love, I'm going to sleep on the couch. I know you don't really feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as me yet, and that's fine." 

"Thanks babe. I'll see you in the morning."

Dream hummed and moved his head to the side slightly, kissing Sapnap's forehead gently. He then walked out and walked to the couch of their hotel room. He lay down and wrapped a blanket around his body, looking up at the ceiling as he tried to dose off. 

Pandas 🧡 

Thanks for your help 
I love you.. ❤

Of course my love x 
I love you too ❤ 

//- End -\\

1141 words

I hope this was ok! This is really sweet actually- 
Not been proof read-

I hope you enjoyed! 



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