My softie

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Idea from Pinterest but I forgot to screenshot the picture 😭✋

//- Third Person -\\

A really short person and a really tall person.

A supposedly 'sweet' person and a supposedly 'angry/intimidating' person.

In my opinion, it's not like that. The really short person is the angry one, and the taller one is the sweeter one.

But it is still one of the sweetest ship dynamics in my opinion.

One adorable example of this ship dynamic is Sapnap and Dream.
Two famous Youtubers.

Sapnap (or Nick) was the short one. He was always the one who would cling to Dream in the morning, forcing Dream to carry him around. He was always being teased by Dream because of his height, but never had a come back other than; 'well at least I'm not a giant!'
And whenever he could sense Dream was uncomfortable or nervous, he was quick to chase those feelings away by being either funny or by chasing away the person who had caused Dreams uncomfortable feelings.

Dream (or Clay) was the taller one. He was always the one who would have to carry Sapnap around in the morning, because of how clingy Sapnap was. Dream always teases Sapnap, his teasing not being that original anymore, but the reaction from Sapnap stayed unique and funny anyway.
Dream was mainly the person who was being 'protected' by Sapnap, especially in public events and because of his severe social anxiety. He was thankful that Sapnap would help him calm down or feel more comfortable. And he'd try to help Sapnap if he needed it.

//- Dream -\\

"Dream if you want to leave we can leave.."

"Sap it's fine. Let's just stay for a bit longer."

I smiled at Sapnap, who was frowning. I rolled my eyes and kissed the top of his head.

"I would like it if you were a little bit taller though.. so i don't hurt my neck trying to kiss you."

"Shut up..! Maybe if you weren't such a giant-"

I scoffed, smirking as I pulled Sapnap into a deep kiss. He had to stand on his tiptoes to kiss me properly, but I found it incredibly endearing. We broke the kiss and continued to stand together, my arm wrapped around Sapnap's waist.

"If you wanna leave at any time Dream-"

"Sapnap. Sweetheart. It's fine. If I want to leave I'll tell you."

I smiled and squeezed Sapnap's body gently. I knew SapNap had a burning sensation to help..? Or protect me..? I'm not sure. I just know he wants to keep me comfortable or something like that. It's very sweet- whatever it is.
And I try to make him comfortable whenever I can- but I guess he knows how to handle situations better than I do.

Over the course of the next hour? (I have no sense of time-) me and SapNap began talking to family members, because we were literally just standing there the entire time. It was becoming quite a bit, because of how many people were coming up to us. Or me- mainly. Because it was my family that we were with.

"Dream? Are you ok?"

"Can we- can we leave..?"

"Of course we can. Cmon let's go."

I thanked SapNap, as we walked towards my parents to tell them we were leaving. Thankfully they completely understood and let us leave, telling us that they enjoyed seeing us. Me and SapNap walked towards the place where we (and by that I mean me) had parked our car. We got in and SapNap allowed me to have a minute before talking.

"Are you ok now baby?"

"Yeah.. thank you Sap.."

"Of course my love. You know it confuses me though."

I turned towards SapNap, titling my head in confusion as SapNap looked at me and smiled.


"Everyone thinks your some big scary guy, just because of your height. But really- your just a massive softie."

"Hey! I'm not a softie-"

I looked at SapNap, who was pulling a face that I'd seen one to many times. I scoffed and crossed my arms, turning away and muttering slightly.

"Ok- maybe I am a BIT of a softie."

SapNap hummed, turning my head to face him once more and leaning into a quick kiss. I recipitated the kiss, which was on,y short, and blushed.

"Let's go home, I'm sure your tired."

I hummed, closing my eyes and leaning my head into the seat after I'd put my seat belt on.
I heard a small click and felt the car beginning to start.

"My softie.."

//- End -\\

805 Words

Lol I hate this- I think I have writers block but that's fine- 😭✋
Gonna be taking a break tmr because I have plans with my friendssss! We've been planning for like 3 weeks so I'm rly excited!!!!!! :D

I hope you enjoyed!



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