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My idea- like actually. Be proud of me 😍



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Summary: Because of a surgery he had to have (due to a collapsed lung), Dream had a scar on his chest

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Summary: Because of a surgery he had to have (due to a collapsed lung), Dream had a scar on his chest. He didn't think it'd be that big of a deal when it was healing, but now it's been a year. And it was a big deal.
Some of His family (that he didn't really speak to) brought it up, and made him feel like shit. And- to everyone's surprise, George brought it up.
This made Dream feel like shit and SapNap tried to (and succeeded) to make Dream feel better.

//- Third Person -\\


They show a lot about a person.

It shows what they've been through in life, and it holds memories. No matter how faded they get.
Some people hate them, and some people love them.

But Dream was one of the people who hated his scars. He hated  them because of what people said about them. He hates them because of how obvious they are. He hates them just because. And he hates making conversation about them, when his family brings it up.

But, there was one person that Dream spent all his day with, that loved his scars. It was his boyfriend Sapnap. He adored the scars on Dreams tan skin. He loved kissing them and running his hands over them. One thing he hates about the scars: was his insecurities that came with them.

But no matter what, Sapnap would always love Dreams scars. And he'd always try to make Dream less insecure about them.

//- Dream -\\

I huffed, looking into my full body mirror. I stared at my shirtless body, more importantly staring at my chest. On my chest, lay a very noticeable scar. The scar was significantly lighter than my normal skin tone, which made it more obvious.

I hated this scar. It was one of the most obvious ones on my body. And for some reason; everyone feels the need to bring it up. I had to have surgery because of a collapsed lung, but I didn't think that the scar would be that obvious when it healed. I was wrong. And it didn't help that EVERYONE who saw it brought it up. I'm a bad way as well.

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