My star

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Half requested by PoteaSoul

Plot: Sapnap realises that Dreams freckles look like the connect the dot things you do in elementary/ primary school and he connects the freckles with a black biro when Dream is asleep. Dream doesn't realise the pen on his face until AFTER he has been into meetings and been grocery shopping.

Just cuddly Dream, so I guess bottom? Idk

//- Sapnap -\\

I ran my fingers through Dreams hair as he slept, scrolling on Pinterest as he slept. Dreams arms were wrapped around my upper back as his face rested on my chest. I knew he liked it when i ran my hands through his hair, even if he was asleep.

As i was scrolling on Pinterest, I came across an image of a star constellation but it was a connect the dots image. I looked at the picture and then at Dreams freckles that rested on his cheeks. I smirked, seeing a pen very coincidentally placed on the bedside table. I put my phone back down and grabbed Dreams cheek, moving his face slightly so that I could draw the lines on Dreams face.

I stifled a laugh as I began to very carefully draw lines from each freckle, connecting them all. As I did this, I actually realised just how many freckles he has. And I noticed there was basically a constellation on his cheeks by the time I had finished.

I basically had one question though- how long would it take him to realise what I had done in the morning?

I mentally took a note that I guessed it'd take Dream a couple of hours to realise. Because he doesn't like looking in mirrors and he takes at least one picture for Snapchat a couple of hours after he wakes up.

But there was no way he'd been waking up any time soon so I put the pen back on the bed side table and moved his head back to where it was originally. I pressed my lips against Dreams hair and moved my hand into his hair.

//- Third Person ~ In the morning -\\

When Dream woke up, Sapnap was still asleep. He didn't want to get up, but knew he had a massive meeting to get ready for and he knew it was in a couple of hours.

He rested his head back on to Sapnap's chest and nuzzled his head into the warmth of his shirt. He knew that Sapnap had an alarm set so that Dream would wake up on time, so he'd just wait for that.

When the alarm finally went off (after Dream was able to doze off for maybe an hour and a half extra) Sapnap began to shake him awake.

"My love.. wake up. You have that meeting thing today, for your music."

"I know.. but I don't wanna.."

"Im sorry sweetheart but you need to. As soon as you've done with your meeting and we've gone grocery shopping we can cuddle yeah?"


Sapnap loved Dream in the morning. Actually he loved Dream all day, but he loved his clinginess and bed head the most.

Dream groaned and arose from bed, rubbing his eyes and grabbing some clothes he had layed out at his desk the day before and walked into his walk in closet to get dressed. When Dream was out of hearing range, Sapnap let out a small giggle and got up as well, thinking about how cute Dream looked with the whole connected freckles thing.

He took a mental note that when Dream finally realised what Sapnap had done, he would call Dream "my star" as a nickname to get his reaction. And if all went well? A new nickname for Dream was added to Sapnap's list.

"Ok bub I'm gonna go on my meeting now, I think I'll be about an hour and a half. I love you."

"I love you too baby, don't forget we have to go shopping after though."

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