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My own idea again!!! YAS

No picture cause there's like 6

Summary: Dream hadn't ever showed Sapnap what he looked like, ever since they were kids. Sapnap had only seen like Dreams hair and stuff (basically snippets of his face). But now they're moving in together, and Dream is nervous as fuck. When he finally showed Sapnap his face, Sapnap told him how gorgeous he was.

//- Third Person -\\


You're dating someone you've met online, and you've been friends for years before you started dating. But that person has never seen your face. They don't know what you look like. They only know what you've told them. But now, they're coming to move in with you.

That's what's going on with Dream right now. Dream loves Sapnap, he loves him with all of his body. But he's just scared of making him disappointed. Scared of being alone. Scared of being hurt. Scared of anything else bad that comes with being in a relationship. He's paranoid. Even though he knows that Sapnap loves him, he can't help but let the worrying thoughts go through his head.

You see, Dream and Sapnap met 12 years ago. Dream was 13 and Sapnap was 12. And when they met, neither knew what each other looked like. Not a clue. Because when they met, they met online. Sapnap (or Nick) had typed into a Minecraft chat: 'type 123 to Skype call.' And dReam typed '123'
The two got along perfectly. They got along as if they knew each other perfectly. They enjoyed all the same things, and rarely had any disagreements on things. They were the best of friends.
Dream was one of Sapnap's many best friends. He was quite popular, and had a big handful of friends.
And Sapnap was one of Dreams only friends. Since he didn't have that many friends. He was quite unpopular.

But then, 5 years after they met, Sapnap worked up the courage to tell Dream about his growing feelings for him. Dream obviously reciprocated the feelings that Sapnap had voiced, and after a long winded conversation with Sapnap, they got together. That was when Sapnap was 17 and Dream was 18.

And NOW, another 6 years later, they were moving in together. And neither could be more happy, or more nervous. Sapnap was more excited than nervous, and Dream was more nervous than excited. But both males were excited.

//- Dream ~ the day Sapnap moved in -\\

I woke up to a blaring ring tone, and I groaned. I ran my hand down my face and turned over, picking up my phone and glancing at the contact who had awoken me from my slumber.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                              Pandas 🧡

Decline                                                       Accept
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(The amount of time that took me is ridiculous- anyway-)

I smiled to myself, knowing that Sapnap was calling me to make sure that I 1. Woke up and 2. Got ready for today. I mentally thanked him for taking the time to call me, especially since he was meant to be getting ready to get to the airport or is actually at the airport right now. I hit accept, hearing a yawn from the other side of the phone.

"Dream! Good morning!" - S

"Morning Sap. Are you at the airport?" - D

"Yep. I've got an hour before my flight takes off." - S

"Oh right. Well, make sure you don't miss it." - D

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