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lol I have no clue where this idea came from- but I love it. And hate it cause I'm being lazy and can't be assed writing a lot- but did write a lot. Help me

//- Third Person -\\

Everyone has that one person.

That one person that they want to spend the rest of their life with.
And if someone hasn't found their person, they'll find them eventually.

But sometimes.. people think that they find that special person- but.. they were wrong.. after all of the memories, all the time spent together.. worth nothing.
And sometimes; it's for reasons neither person knows, or one person fell out of love or one gets cheated on.

But it's nice whilst it lasts right..?

Even though it hurts..


Clay was absolutely heart broken. He'd just found out that Nick (his husband) and George (his best friend) had been having sex and things like for a good year now. It hurt that Clay had put so much into their relationship over the years, and Nick had just thrown it all away. And for what reason..?

"Nick I can't believe you! After 10 years of dating, and 4 years of marriage you cheat on me?!"

Clay yelled, his eyes welling with tears even more as he heard Nick scoff.

"What did you expect?! We've been becoming distant for a while now, and you never want to do anything!"

"I expect you to tell me! Not go and cheat on me with GEORGE!"

Clay felt the tears pour down his cheeks swiftly, as he watched Nick throw a bag strap over his shoulder and slid his shoes on.

"I'm leaving you Clay. We're getting a divorce."

Before Clay could do anything, Nick had already left. He was already out of the house and getting ready to drive off. As soon as he saw Nick's car drive off, he broke down. He felt his knees give way and he fell down to the floor clutching his chest as he sobbed loudly.

After all they had been through, the friendship, dating, engagement and marriage.. Nick had just cheated on him.. all because they were becoming slightly distant (because Clay had been busy with work) and because they didn't do anything..

That hurt. A lot.

He'd never forgive either of them for it. But for now.. he needed time to regain himself.

As he sat on the floor, he reminisced about all of the memories he and Nick had together.

//- Clay ~ Years later (lol i'm being lazy- it's fine) -\\

It's been about 2 years since Nick and I split up. And to be honest, I think it was for the best. In the divorce settlement, Nick got the house, but I'd rather not be in a house that reminds me of my ex-husband.

I'm not dating anyone, I haven't re-married. I thought I just needed a couple of years on my own, but then after two years, I decided that I would just not fall back in love.

Sometimes it hurts, seeing people my age with a married partner and a child, but then i realised that i don't need a husband to be happy. And besides, I ended up adopting another cat and a 5 year old boy. His name was Ollie, and he was now 6 years old. He was autistic, but i loved him no matter what.

"DADA!! Wanna go get ice cream pleaseeee!"

"You want ice cream?"


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