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         "Danni... Danni, sweetheart, please climb out of that window and go get help," my mother shouts urgently, trying to pull me out of bed. It takes a moment for me to comprehend the situation, but once I do, I quickly get up and follow her instructions. I rush to the window and attempt to climb out, but suddenly, someone grabs me by the hair and forcefully pulls me back. "Where do you think you're going, you little bitch?" He sneers, his hands sliding down my nightdress.

      "Fuck!" I yell, slamming my fist on the mattress as I wake up from a nightmare. To my annoyance, Sally is sitting on the edge of her bed, watching me. 'What?' I snap at her, not in the mood for her nonsense this morning.

     "Nothing," she replies, finishing putting on her shoes and walking out of the bedroom without another word.

      I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and my boots. It's nice not having to wear a uniform. After choosing my outfit, I notice a line for the bathroom, so I decide to get dressed in my bedroom. I can wash my face in the kitchen when I go down to cook breakfast. I'm the designated kitchen person and I help out wherever else I'm needed.

      Once I'm dressed, I head down to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast. Daisy Mae joins me this morning to help with the biscuits. We're making home-style biscuits, scrambled eggs with cheese and ham, and a ton of bacon. As the girls start piling into the dining room, I finish up the scrambled eggs and Daisy Mae takes the biscuits out and butters them. We bring the food into the dining room for the girls to make their plates.

      "Oh my girl, this food is amazing. I think you cook better than Destiny did when she was here," one of the girls comments.

      'Thank you," I reply, and of course, Sally has to make some snarky remark.

     "I wouldn't go that far," she tells the girl, earning eye rolls from everyone else. "Sally, get over yourself," one of the other girls says. I try my best not to laugh at my roommate."

     Once everyone finishes their breakfast, they bring their plates to the kitchen and Daisy Mae and I start cleaning them and the stove. We finish quickly and then help the other girls clean up. After that, we all head out to catch the school bus. Mrs. Geneva informed me yesterday that everything is set with the school system. The teachers are aware of my arrival and will have my books and materials ready for me.

     On the bus, I sit next to Daisy Mae and ask her, "So, none of you guys have your driver's license yet?"

     "No, do you?" she replies.

     "Yes, but I don't have the money to get a car. The oldest sister took us girls who were old enough to take our tests," I explain.

     "That's cool. You should talk to Mrs. Geneva, she might help you get a vehicle," Daisy Mae suggests.

     That's actually a good idea. I could get a big enough vehicle to drive the girls who don't ride with their boyfriends to school. I noticed that some of the girls were getting into cars with guys while the rest of us take the bus. One of the girls with a boyfriend is Sally. He looks like a preppy boy. I can only imagine why a preppy boy would be interested in one of us girls, but she seems like the type to give him what he wants.

      We arrive at the school in no time. "Stick with me and I'll help you find your classrooms today," Daisy Mae offers.

      "Thank you," I reply. We enter the main building and head to our first class, which is math. As we walk in, I notice that all the girls from the home are in the same class. "Let me guess, we all have to take the same classes at the same time?" I ask Daisy Mae as we sit down at a long table.

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