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      "Ouch, Danni, stop it with that shit," Ace growls.

      "Don't be such a baby, I need to clean the wound and change the bandage."

     "You don't have to be so rough," Ace grumbled.

      Fed up with his grumpiness, I had been tending to Ace's wounds for a week since he returned from the hospital after a near-death experience.

     "Where do you think you're going, Danni?" Ace demanded.

     "Getting away from you before I lose my temper," I snapped.

     Before I could react, Ace grabbed me and whispered, "Finish cleaning me up, Danni," planting a kiss on my neck. I pulled away, insisting he turn around so I could finish.

     After completing the task, I attempted to leave, but Ace pulled me back, "it's been weeks since I've been inside you Danni." I pushed back and urged him to get some rest before exiting to Daisy Mae's room, frustrated.

     "What's wrong, Danni?" Daisy asked, trying to contain her laughter.

     "He's driving me crazy, one minute he's rude, and the next he's all over me," I vented. When Daisy doesn't say anything I look up and find her fighting back a laugh. "Daisy!" I scolded her.

       "What!? I'm sorry, Danni, but sooner or later, you're going to have to accept that the four of you are meant to be together," Daisy insists.

       "The hell we are, Daisy. I'm nothing but a pawn to them, and they're nothing but a means to reach their father so I can do to him what he did to my parents. And if that means taking his sons down in the process, then so be it," I retort, frustration evident in my tone. I don't know who I'm more frustrated with—her for being so close to the truth or myself for falling for the jerks.

       A few minutes pass, and Daisy Mae's phone buzzes with a text.

     "Danni, want to head to the warehouse and fight for some extra cash?" Daisy asks me.

      "How's the lineup?" I inquire.

     "Davidson," she responds, giving me a skeptical look, but she knows me better than to try dissuading me. "Give me five and meet me at the door with Sally," I instruct.

       She shakes her head in disbelief but says nothing more. I stride out the door and head back to my bedroom. Grabbing my gym bag from the closet, Ace wakes up the moment the door opens.

       "Where are you going?" he questions.

        "It really doesn't concern you, Ace," I snapped before exiting the room.

         Sally, Daisy, and I reached the warehouse in no time. Exiting my car, we approach the building where a guard stands at the door, checking IDs.

        When he inspects mine, he narrows his eyes. "Sorry, miss, I can't let you in," he states firmly.

       "Fair enough, sir," I reply, gesturing for the girls to follow me. Once the guard's attention shifts, we dart around the side of the building and find an unlocked door. Sneaking in, we make our way to the front of the building to locate Tony, the bookie.

       "Yo, Danni! Long time no see! How's it hanging?" Tony greets me.

        "Hanging, man. So, how much for the fight tonight?" I inquire.

        Tony hesitates, shaking his head. "Danni, you know I can't let you fight. They'll have my neck," he insists.

       Glancing at Daisy, I press, "If it wasn't Tony, then who told you about the fight?" She shrugs. "It came from Tony's phone," she reveals, and we both notice Tony, looking off and whistling innocently.

        "Damn it, they got to you before I could," I realize, frustration boiling within me.

         "They're in the locker room," Tony nods in that direction.

          I stormed off towards the locker room, bursting through the door. "What the hell is your problem, Ace? Why are you pulling this power trip with the boxing?" I demand.

       "Ladies, could you give us a minute?" Ace requests of Sally and Daisy.

        "No, you can tell me whatever bogus bullshit you're going to spew in front of them," I declare, hands on hips.

         Ace smirks, leaning in to grab my hips, pulling me closer before whispering in my ear, "Because, Danni Mac, I don't want to see you hurt."

        I pull back, laughing in disbelief. "Bullshit," I scoff. "You," I point at Ace, "will march right back up front and tell Tony the bookie tonight that I'll be fighting. And you two," I gesture to the other guys, "will decide which one of you I'll be fighting," I growl, then storm out. Before I can open the door, Jason grabs my wrist, yanking me back towards him. Before I can react, he crashes his lips onto mine, kissing me hard before abruptly pulling away, allowing me to leave. I'd never admit it to them, but that always knocks my knees out from under me.

      I'm poised in the ring, anticipating which boy has decided to fight me, when Jason strolls up. A grin tugs at my lips involuntarily. Among the two, Jason's the sole match for my intensity in the ring.

     Jason steps into the ring, greeted by Seth and Ace on his side. I glance over at Sally and Daisy Mae. "You all set, Danni?" Daisy inquires. I nod, exchanging a fist bump with both of them.

       Facing Jason, I walked to the center of the ring. "Okay, fighters, you know the rules. Keep it clean," the referee instructed. After fist-bumping each other, we began circling around the ring. As we circled each other, I could feel the tension building. Jason was a formidable opponent, but I was determined to give it my all. The crowd's cheers and the referee's voice faded into the background, leaving only the sound of my steady breath and the pounding of my heart. I focused on my training, visualizing my strategy and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The anticipation was palpable as we continued to dance around the ring, each of us searching for an opening. Time seemed to slow down as we locked eyes, both of us knowing that only one of us would emerge victorious. The adrenaline surged through my veins, and with a deep breath, I prepared to make my move.

      Jason initiates the confrontation, but I swiftly evade his punch, causing it to soar over my head. Rising to my feet, I deliver a solid blow to his ribs, prompting him to wince and glare at me. "Is this how we're playing it, Danni?" he grits through clenched teeth.

      "I've made it clear, I need this fight," I retort, meeting his gaze. "So hold on tight, buttercup, because you're in for a wild ride." With determination, I strike his jaw.

      In retaliation, Jason forces me to the ground. "If  you need money we can give you money. Stop this nonsense," he snarls.

     "Fuck off, Jason," I snap, driving my knee into his ribs repeatedly as I gain the upper hand. Eventually, I push him away, straddling his hips and delivering a flurry of punches to his face. The referee intervenes, pulling me off and commencing the countdown for Jason.

      Observing Jason remaining on the ground until the final count, I see him exit the ring once the referee declares my victory. Collecting my earnings, I exit with the girls, relieved not to encounter the guys at the warehouse again.

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