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"Dad is waiting for an update," I tell Ace. "Fuck Dad and his updates," Ace replies angrily.

"We need to keep Dad happy so he stops bothering us about Danni. And we still need to find out why Dad wants us to get rid of her, whether by making her leave town or killing her. She must have something on him that he's terrified of. And we all know he won't tell us anything," I explain too Ace, who just rolls his eyes in agreement.

After leaving our house, we head to the home we share with our father and stepmother. Our maid, Mary Ella, greets us and offers breakfast, but we decline, explaining that we are just there to see dad before going to school. Making our way to dad's office on the right side of the house, we are welcomed by our father.

"Hello boys," dad says as we take a seat on the sofa in his office. "What did you want, dad?" I ask, my tone not hiding my impatience.

Dad gives me a look but doesn't comment on my attitude. "How are things going with the girl?" he asks, causing Ace to tense beside me. It's amusing how Danni is changing my once loyal brother. Not long ago, Ace would have been ready to kill for dad then ask where to hide the body, but now he seems on edge. I need to understand this girl before my family does something irreversible.

"I have her under control for now," I tell him. "I don't want her under control, son. I want her gone or dead. Why is that so hard to understand?" Dad yells at me. "Why is it so important for this girl to be either gone or dead, Dad? And why do we have to do your dirty work? You haven't told us anything about this girl, and we haven't asked much of you so far, but now it's time to start talking," I tell him. Of course, that was the wrong thing to do because Dad, in true fashion, is up out of his chair and around his desk, yanking me up by my shirt collar in no time flat.

"You listen to me, you little shit. I call the shots, not you. When I tell you to do something, that means do it and don't ask questions, got it Jason?" Dad barks in my face. "Yeah, got it," I tell him, yanking myself out of his hold. We make our way out of the house and down to our trucks. It doesn't make sense to me why we don't ride in the same vehicle, but it's always been this way since we started driving. As we are walking to the truck, I look at my brothers and let them know I'm going back to the apartment to try and talk to Danni, maybe get her to talk to me. "Good luck, bro," Seth says, then gets in his truck and drives off without another word.

"What the hell is his issue?" I inquire of Ace. "Who knows with him. He's completely whipped by Danni, hasn't even had sex with her yet," Ace informs me, and we both burst into laughter. "I'll see you back at school," Ace says as we part ways.

I head back to the apartment, hoping to talk to Danni about the situation, but she's already left with the other girls. "Damn it," I curse, and decide to head to the school to meet up with the guys.

On the way to the school, I notice Danni and Daisy sneaking into an abandoned building. I park my truck and follow them, making sure to keep my distance. They turn a corner, and I speed up to catch a glimpse of where they're headed. "The fuck!" To my surprise, they entered a closed room. I approach the door, trying to listen in on their conversation. Sure enough, I can hear voices coming from the other side.

It appears that they are not by themselves. It seems like they are conversing with a man on the opposite side of the door. It sounds like Danni is attempting to gather information on us. It seems like Danni is persuading this man to hack into our data and collect information on us. Just ask me, baby. I quickly exit the building before Danni and Daisy see me lurking in the shadows and head towards the school.

The Revenge of a good girlWhere stories live. Discover now