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                   I'm sitting in Ms. Geneva's office when I hear a loud bang outside the door. "What was that?" I ask her.

                "I'm not sure, go lock yourself up in the bathroom until I find out what's going on," she tells me. I do as I'm told. I barely get into the bathroom when someone comes bursting into the office. I turn around to peek out the bathroom door and see a man standing in front of Ms. Geneva, pointing a gun right at her head and pulling the trigger. I bite down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming and letting the guy know I'm in here.

               I slowly close the door the rest of the way behind me and lock it. I look around to see if there is a window in the bathroom I can get out of. Thankfully, there is one, so I go over to the window and lift it up. What I don't expect is to hear the guy on the other side of the door sing my name. "Yo, Dannnniiii, you can come out from wherever you're hiding. I promise I will make it quick. One shot to the head and you won't feel a thing, I promise you," the guy says from somewhere on the other side of the door.

             Fuck this, I'm not sticking around long enough to find out if he finds me or not. I jump out of the window and run to the front of the building to my car. I was smart enough to grab my keys and phone off the desk on my way to the bathroom. As soon as I get into the car and get it moving the hell out of dodge, I call the guys.

          When Ace answers on the 5th ring, I tell him what just happened and he tells me to get my ass to the apartment as fast as I can. This is one time I'm not going to argue with him. The moment I pull up to the apartment, everyone comes running out the door. Ace throws Daisy and Sally into my car, then tells me to follow close behind him. He and the other two run and jump into his truck and squeal out of the parking lot, me right on their tail.

         "You want to tell me what the fuck is going on and why Ace practically threw us over his shoulders like a madman?" Sally growls from the back seat.

        "I don't really know much myself besides someone came into work just a minute ago and killed Ms. Geneva then was trying to find me. Said he would make my death quick with one shot to the head, he promised," I tell her, and we all lapse right back into silence for the rest of our journey.

       It feels like we have been driving for hours when we hit a sign that says "Welcome to Arizona." "The fuck, Danni?" Sally squeals.

       I call Jason. "What are you guys thinking, we can't leave Massachusetts?" I yell at him. "The fuck we can't," he yells back, then hangs up on me.

       I glance disdainfully at my phone and trail behind the guys until we arrive at a motel nestled in a desolate locale. Ace dashes in to secure two rooms for us. Upon entering the rooms, he announces that I will be rooming with him, while the girls will share accommodations with Seth and Jason. A twinge of jealousy flits through me at the thought of Daisy and Sally bunking with Seth and Jason, but I swiftly push the feeling aside.

      As the weight of the situation hits me in the motel room, I crumple onto the bed, overwhelmed with emotion. Ace is by my side in an instant, enfolding me in his arms, providing solace and support.

      "There, Danni, I've got you," Ace murmurs soothingly, gently laying me down and tenderly kissing me. His hand travels down my body, slipping beneath my clothing to explore further. He eases two fingers inside me, evoking a deep, pleasurable moan.

      "Relax, baby, let me alleviate your stress for a while," Ace whispers against my lips.

       Later, Ace and I lie intertwined in the bed, seeking comfort in each other's embrace. "Who was that, Ace?" I inquire softly.

       Ace presses his forehead to mine, his voice barely audible in its intensity. "The man who took your parents from you," he reveals. I swallowed hard before asking, "How did he track me down?"

      "Our father, baby. You got too close, and now he wants you eliminated," Ace discloses grimly. "Fuck!" I curse softly, grappling with the gravity of the situation.

      "Where do we go from here? We can't just keep running. We have school and boxing, and I want my revenge on your dad for what he did to my parents, Ace. I know you don't want to hear that, but I will take your father down one way or another. With or without your help." I tell him. He just looks at me for a minute.

     "We've got your back no matter what," he tells me. "And as far as what we are going to do for now, we are getting you out of dodge. Then my brothers and I are going to head back and take care of some things." Ace tells me.

      "The hell you are, Ace. This is my fight, not yours," I tell him, and he just laughs at me. I slap him on the shoulder. "Don't be a dick," I tell him, and he looks down at me with his shit-eating grin.

      "I'm not being a dick, but I can give you one if you want one," he tells me.

       Truthfully, I do want it. I want something to take my mind off of what I witnessed earlier, so I pull Ace down towards me, and it doesn't take much coaching for him to catch on to what I'm wanting. He grabs my head in his hands, then leans down and kisses me. He places himself inside me.

      "Oh, God," I whisper.

        A little while later, we are lying in bed, and I'm watching Ace sleep. I never in a million years would have thought this journey would have led me to these three boys in the way it did.

       I can't sleep, so I gently remove myself from under Ace's arm, then slip on Ace's t-shirt and walk outside onto the balcony. There are a couple of chairs beside the door, so I sit down in one of them and look out at the night sky.

The Revenge of a good girlWhere stories live. Discover now