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         It's Saturday night, and the girls and I are getting ready to go to the party. We had to tell Mrs. G that we were going to a movie because technically we're not allowed to go to parties. "I can't believe she bought it," Daisy says as we gather into Joey's car. "So, we're crashing the king's party, huh?" Joey asks. I always assumed he would be one of them, so I didn't expect him to crash anything. I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
        "Not crashing, sneaking. It's so much funnier," I tell him. He laughs at me. "Yes, you're right. It's so much funnier." We make our way to the king's house, and holy shit, it's huge. This might be a little harder than I hoped. Getting in will be a breeze, but finding an office will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
     We manage to enter the house without being detected, and then we split up. Daisy takes the west wing, Sally and Joey take the east wing, and I go upstairs. So far, I haven't seen any of the guys, so that's a good thing. I open a door upstairs, and bingo, I find an office. I walk in and shut the door behind me.    I text the girls to let them know I found it and where I am. So, when the door opens, I just assume it's them.
       "What the fuck are you doing in our dad's office, and furthermore, what are you doing in our fucking house, Danni?" Ace growls at me.
Fuck! Why didn't I have the sense to lock the door? "I thought this was the bathroom, and didn't you invite everyone to your party?" I say, trying to sound innocent. Ace walks up to me, backing me into the desk and placing his hands on either side of my head. "You know very well this isn't the bathroom, and people like you are not allowed in our house," he snares at me. "Now, I'll ask you one more time, why are you in our father's office?"
        "And I told you, I thought this was the bathroom. Now move so I can leave," I tell him, pushing at his chest. But he remains where he stands. He starts running his hand up my pants leg and between our bodies. Oh hell no, he's not trying to touch me there, is he? I need to get out of this situation quickly. I can't let him touch me and have a repeat of the last time someone tried to do that. I push Ace as hard as I can, and he stumbles back a bit. I take that opportunity to break free from his hold and run towards the door. But someone grabs my arm, so I swing with my other arm and punch them right in the mouth. "Fuck, she hit me," I hear Seth say, I think.
       As I'm running towards the door, someone grabs my leg and I fall hard on my knees. "Fuck," I yell. Then Jason rolls me over onto my back seating on me. He takes my arms and pins them above my head. "Danni, I'll ask you once, why are you here and why are you in our dad's office?"
      "Oh my god, how many times do I have to tell you? I thought it was a fucking bathroom," I yell at him, trying to free myself. "Oh really? Then explain why you were going through the cabinets if you thought it was a bathroom. What were you looking for?   Money? Something more valuable?" Jason interrogates me. I was actually looking for something more valuable, but I can't tell them that. They'll misunderstand and probably have me arrested for theft.
      "Get off her," Daisy Mae says as she and Sally come running into the room. They rush Jason and knock him off me, and I waste no time getting up and running out. Once we're out of the house and in the safety of Joey's car, Sally asks me if I found what I was looking for. "No, it was like they knew I was in there," I tell her.
      "Damn, so we broke in for nothing and now we might get kicked out," Sally sighs. "Maybe they'll keep it between us," I say, hoping for the best. "Yeah, we'll see."
       Sally, Daisy, and I are sitting in our bedroom the next day after finishing our chores. I expected Mrs. G to come in and confront us about where we were last night, but to my surprise, she enters the room with a different purpose. She tells us that her nephews need our help.
      I whisper to Sally and Daisy, "shit." We walk out of our room and find the guys waiting for us in the living room. I voice my doubts to Mrs. G, but she insists that the guys have helped us before and we should return the favor. Reluctantly, we agree and follow the guys out of the house and into their jeep.
     As we drive to their house, I ask one of the guys, Ace of Spades, what they want us to do. The girls give me a strange look for using a nickname instead of his real name. Ace responds with a playful remark and instructs us to follow them into the house.
     Once inside, I realize that they want us to clean the messy house to prevent their dad from finding out about their party. Ace threatens to tell their aunt about our presence at the party if we refuse. I roll my eyes and assign tasks to the girls, taking on the worst of the mess myself.
      I start cleaning in the kitchen and make my way through the house, all the while feeling the guys' eyes on me. I tease them about their interest in me, which angers Ace. He has a temper issue and starts walking towards me. I try to calm him down by joking, but he doesn't listen. Suddenly, he grabs me and throws me into the pool.
      Panicking, I struggle to swim as I come up for air. Just as I start to sink, someone grabs me by the shirt and pulls me out of the water.
     "Can you not fucking swim, little girl?" Ace sneers as he hauls me up out of the water.     "No, you asshole," I retorted, slapping him across the face. I turn to walk back toward the house, intending to leave, but Ace has different plans. He forcefully grabs me by the waist and pulls me towards him. "Put your hands on me again, and I will break that pretty little arm of yours," he whispers menacingly in my ear. Annoyed, I snap back at him, "You're the one who keeps touching me, so get your hands off me, and let me gather my girls so we can leave."
      Ace's grip tightens around my waist, his fingers digging into my skin. I wince in pain but refuse to show any sign of weakness. I meet his gaze with defiance, my eyes burning with anger.
      "You think you can just manhandle me and threaten me?" I say, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and fury. "You're nothing but a pathetic bully."
     Ace's face contorts with rage, his grip tightening even further. I can feel my breath becoming shallow as panic starts to set in. But I refuse to let him see my fear. I summon every ounce of courage within me and push against him, trying to break free from his grasp.
    "You don't scare me," I say, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins. "I won't let you control me or my friends."
     Ace smirks at me, his face inches away from mine. "You're mistaken, little girl," he sneers. "I have complete control over you. I can either let you continue living comfortably in that nice home of yours, or I can throw you out onto the streets. It's your choice."
      I smirk back at him, refusing to let his words intimidate me. I push him away and make my way back into the house, calling out for Sally and Daisy to join me. "We're leaving now," I inform them. As we step outside, Daisy notices that I'm wet and asks what happened. "That jerk threw me into the pool," I explained.
       We're almost at the end of the driveway when a jeep pulls up beside us. The guys inside tell us to get in. Part of me wants to tell them to go to hell, but seeing how exhausted Sally and Daisy are, I decide against it. To my surprise, the guys took us to get pizza before dropping us off at the group home. As we thank them and head towards the house, Ace calls out to me.
       "Hey, Danni," he calls. I turn to look at him. "We're not finished. I'll need you later today. My aunt knows about it, so be ready," he informs me before driving off. I glance at Sally and Daisy, both of them looking concerned. "I'm screwed," I mutter.
      "Not necessarily," Daisy reassures me with a smile. "What did you do, my friend?" I inquire. She smiles back and pulls out a yellow folder. "While you were keeping the boys entertained, I snuck into the office and found this folder with your last name on it," she reveals. Curious, I take the folder and head up to my room to examine its contents.
      Opening it up, I'm greeted by a photo of my mother. She was stunningly beautiful, with long black hair, captivating baby blue eyes, and a fit body for her age. My parents were on the older side when they had me. Flipping the photo over, I found a note about her. The next photo is of my father. I never realized how imposing he looked. There's a note on the back of his photo stating that he owed a significant amount of money.
      As I stumbled upon a photo of my younger self, around 10 years old, a chilling realization washed over me. This wasn't just a collection of memories; it was a hit list. Each person in the photos, including myself, was marked for death. The gravity of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. I wasn't the only one on the hunt for someone; the king's father had been relentlessly searching for me as well.
       A surge of relief coursed through me as I realized that the king's father hadn't recognized me during our encounter in Mrs. G's office. This gave me a significant advantage. I now hold the upper hand in this dangerous game of cat and mouse.
       I knew that the king's father was a powerful and influential figure, someone who could easily manipulate the situation to his advantage. But his failure to recognize me meant that I could operate in the shadows, undetected and underestimated.
       As I left my room, my mind raced with possibilities. I had stumbled upon a secret, a hidden advantage that could potentially change the course of this dangerous game. With the upper hand, I could carefully plan my moves, strategize my next steps, and outmaneuver my opponents.
       The surge of relief was quickly replaced by a surge of adrenaline. I knew that this newfound advantage came with its own set of risks. The king's father was not someone to be taken lightly, and I had to tread carefully. One wrong move, one slip-up, and everything could come crashing down.

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