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            The next morning, I sat in my room reflecting on the events of yesterday. Seth didn't just drop me home after I made a mistake and failed to ensure my surroundings were empty. I shouldn't have underestimated Seth and should have stood my ground, but instead, I naively hoped he would be a gentleman and drive me home. However, he ended up taking me to his brother, Ace.

           When Ace sees me in Seth's truck, he forcefully pulls me out and slams me against the hood. Refusing to tolerate his behavior, I push back with all my strength, but that dude is huge. "What do you think I stole from your house, Ace?" I demand, but he only smirks arrogantly, provoking me to get into my boxing mode. I land a solid punch to his ribs, finally causing him to react. As we circle each other, I notice two others approaching. "Is this how you win, by ganging up on opponents?" I challenge them. Jason intervenes, claiming it was my initial hit that instigated the conflict, but suggests a truce for now to talk things out.

           Sally and I head to Daisy Mae's room, where she greets us. "I think it's time to show the boys not to mess with me," I asserted. Curious, Daisy asks, "What's your plan?"

        "It's time to prank them. I suggest we start by placing some sex toys in their lockers. I ordered a few items last week, and they arrived yesterday, so when the hallways are empty, we can sneak them in," I informed the girls.

       Sally chuckles, "You've been planning this for a while, haven't you?"

     "Yes, I have," I reply with a grin.

       After finalizing our plan, I return to my room to gather the necessary items. Once everything is packed in my bag, I join the girls in the kitchen for breakfast and to complete our morning routine. We have formed a strong team over the past few months.

       As we head to school, I wait for a moment for the hallway to be clear before class begins. Being the last one in the hall, I approach the guys' lockers, ensuring no one sees me. I quickly place the items inside, close the lockers, and head to my first class before the bell rings. Sitting at my table with Daisy and Sally, Ace questions my tardiness. I simply ignore him, as he is not my dad.

       We successfully navigate our way through the class, and as soon as the bell rings, the three of us girls leisurely make our way out of the hallway, observing the guys as they open their lockers. I can clearly see their surprise. Ace's face turns crimson, Jason scans the area and locks eyes with me, and Seth bursts into laughter as he turns around, clutching a sex toy in his hand. "We should head to the gym," I suggest to the girls.

       Surprisingly, the guys don't retaliate for the rest of the day. Now, it's the end of the day. Since today is one of my training days, I head towards the gym. However, just as I'm about to enter, someone grabs me from behind and forcefully pulls me into a room adjacent to the gym. When I turned around, the three kings were standing there, unsurprisingly.

        "You thought that was amusing, didn't you?" Ace questions me. "Yes," I reply with a replied smile on my face. After all, there's no point in denying my successful prank. Ace presses himself against me, and for some reason, it feels different. He looked down at me, his gaze fixated on my lips. I swallow hard, and the jerk smirks at me.

      "Oh, Danni girl, you just love getting under his skin, don't you?" Seth remarks. I simply shrug in response. "If you can't handle a joke, that's not my fault," I assert, maintaining eye contact with Ace. "Oh, I can handle a joke just as well as anyone, Danni. To prove it, let me show you how this joke works," Ace declares, revealing the sex toy in his hand. He starts running it up my legs, and I desperately try to keep calm in front of these guys, knowing that any sign of weakness will make me vulnerable to their attacks.

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