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             For the past three days, the apartment has been unusually quiet. The guys have been absent since Friday, and it's been a refreshing change to roam freely in just my shirt and pants without worrying about encountering them. So, it's somewhat ironic that as I head to the kitchen in a tank top and pants, I find myself unexpectedly grabbed around the waist while reaching for the refrigerator door at midnight.

             "Hey, what's going on? Let go!" I exclaim, attempting to elbow whoever has me. "Not so fast, Danni," Ace interjects, holding me firmly. "Why don't you dress like this when we're all here?"

            "Because you guys are pigs, now release me," I retorted, struggling to break free. "I'll let go in a moment, but right now I'm enjoying the feeling of you against me," Ace replies, his tone suggestive as I realize my position against him is far from innocent. Despite my efforts to move away, he keeps me close.

             Suddenly, the kitchen lights flick on, revealing my two roommates in the doorway. "What's happening? We heard shouting, Danni," Daisy Mae inquires, arms crossed defensively.

          "Everything's under control, girls. We just caught Danni off guard," Ace explains casually, tightening his grip on me. "You can go back to bed unless you want to stick around and see what's next." I struggle once more to break free, but his hold remains unyielding.

             The girls gaze at me, assessing my desires. Do I wish for them to retreat to their rooms or do I yearn for their rescue? My internal struggle must be evident in my eyes, for they pivot away, assuring me that if I require their assistance, a mere call will bring them to my aid. As I prepare to speak, Ace interrupts, silencing me with his hand.

          "The only name you'll be uttering tonight is mine, perhaps my brothers' if I'm feeling generous. I've heard one of my brothers has already had some alone time with you," Ace declares, prompting me to glance at Jason, who merely smirks in response, seemingly unfazed by the revelation.

           "I'm not going into that room with any of you tonight," I declare, but they just laugh. "If that were true, the girls would have saved you from us," Ace taunts. "Don't flatter yourself, jerk. I just knew you guys would make a big deal out of me trying to go with them," I retorted.

           They continue to chuckle, and Ace signals to his brothers. "We're going to the bedroom for a bit. You guys catch some z's," he informs them, completely disregarding my objections. He escorts me to the room, but instead of making advances like before, he leans against the door frame and simply stares at me. "What?" I demand impatience.

          "You," he replies cryptically. "Me what?" I press, growing weary of the game. As I attempt to walk towards the bathroom connected to my room and Daisy's, Ace swiftly grabs me by the waist, preventing me from leaving. "You're not going anywhere, little girl," he asserts, and I bristle at his pet name for me.

        "Calm down, little bird. I'm just teasing you," Ace murmurs in my ear before trailing kisses down my neck, causing me to shiver. However, I realize that I'm not as affected by his touch this time. Something Jason did to me in the shower the other day has changed me. Before I know it, Ace's hand is in my pants and the other is under my shirt. "Ace," I whimper. "Don't 'Ace' me," he whispers back as his hand inches lower down my pants, it discovers my clit, and he begins to rub it in a circular motion. Despite my efforts to suppress any sensation, resisting their touch becomes increasingly challenging. Yet, I must keep in mind the purpose of my presence here and identify the true adversaries, one of whom is violating my boundaries by touching me inappropriately.         

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