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         It's finally Saturday night and Sally, Daisy Mae, and I are waiting for Geneva and the other girls to go to bed. The week went by quickly, with only one other encounter with the three kings, as they are known at school. Apparently, they are some big shots there.

       "Danni, let's go," Sally urges me, motioning towards the bedroom window. I hope Geneva is a heavy sleeper because I can't afford to be kicked out of this group home. I quickly make my way out of the window, and now it's Daisy Mae's turn. "If I die, I'm coming back to haunt both of you," Daisy says jokingly as she jumps out the window. "Shut up, Daisy," Sally hisses. Once Daisy is out of the window, we run to Sally's boyfriend's SUV and head to the underground boxing ring.

     "Alright, Danni, stick with me and I'll take you to the boss to get you signed up for the fight tonight," Joey tells me as we walk through the door.

      As Joey and I walk through the door, I can feel the excitement building up inside me. The atmosphere is electric, filled with the sounds of cheering and the smell of anticipation. I can't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as we make our way towards the boss.

      Joey leads me through the crowd, navigating through the sea of people with ease. He's like a fish in water here, knowing everyone and everything. I can't help but admire his confidence and charisma.

      Finally, we reach a door at the back of the room. Joey knocks twice, and a burly man opens it, revealing a dimly lit room filled with smoke. The boss is sitting at a table, surrounded by his entourage.

       "Boss, I've brought Danni here to sign up for the fight tonight," Joey announces, his voice filled with respect.

       The boss looks up from his cards and gives me a once-over. His eyes are sharp, and I can tell he's sizing me up. After a moment of silence, he nods.

     "Alright, kid. You think you've got what it takes?" he asks, his voice gruff.

       I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "I've been training for this my whole life, sir."

       The guy smirks, clearly amused by my determination. "We'll see about that. Sign your name on this contract, and you'll be officially part of tonight's fight."

        I take the pen he offers me and sign my name on the dotted line. As I hand the contract back to him, I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.

        Joey claps me on the back, a proud smile on his face. "Welcome to the fight, Danni. Tonight, you're going to show them what you're made of."

       I nod, feeling a surge of confidence. "Thanks, Joey."

       We all gather near the ring, waiting for my name to be called. Joey, the second fighter of the night, impresses everyone with his skills. Finally, it's my turn. I make my way to the ring, but to my surprise, my opponent is Ace. Daisy Mae and Sally look scared, and Sally suggests that we forfeit. "Fuck that," I tell her. "If we get caught here, we'll be in serious trouble." Sally tells me. "He will inform Mrs. Geneva, who happens to be his aunt." Well fuck my plans have changed.

      I walk over to Ace and wait for our instructions to start. He sneers at me, but I propose a deal: if I win, he won't mention seeing me here, but if he wins, he can tell Mrs. Geneva. Ace smirks in response, confident in his victory.

       I turn to my corner, signaling Sally and Daisy not to approach. I don't want Ace to know they're here too. If I lose, I don't want them to get in trouble as well.

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