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                           "How much did you win?" Sally asks me. "Um, I'm not sure. I'll have to count it when we get into the car," I tell her. Then, as we walk to the car, someone grabs me by my hips.

                        "What the hell?" I question, turning to see Ace holding me. "Aren't you supposed to be at home in bed, asshole?" I ask, trying to move away.

                   "Worried about me, Danni Mac?" He whispers. "Not a chance. You're just starting to piss me off," I tell him, but I can't hide the smile on my face. The girls giggle at our exchange, then turn to Ace and offer to drive themselves home if he'll get my keys from me. "Um, no, I'm going home," I tell them.

                 "No, you're not, Danni," Ace says, and of course, he's right. I just throw my keys to Daisy because arguing won't do any good. She comes around to the driver's side and winks at me. I stick my tongue out at her.

               Once the girls leave, I turn to Ace and ask where he's taking me. When I turn, I realize Seth and Jason are right behind us. "Hello, guys," I say. Seth smiles at me, and Jason just nods. Damn, he must be pissed at me for the fight. I walk out of Ace's hold and head over to his truck. I go to get in the back seat, but Ace redirects me to the front with him. Jason is in the driver's seat, me in the middle, and Ace by the door. Poor Seth is in the back alone.

             We drive off in the opposite direction of the apartment, so I assume we're going to their hideout. But as we get further out of town, I realize we're not going there either. "Where are we going?" I ask, but of course, none of them answer, which I should have expected.

           I try to stay awake, but it's super late, so I lay my head on Ace's shoulder and fall asleep. I feel him put a hand on my thigh, and I involuntarily shift his way. I hear the guys laugh at me.

          Before I know it, we're at some house I've never been to. "Where are we?" I ask. "Our mom's," Seth tells me, and holy shit, I didn't know their mom was in the picture anymore. "Why are we here so late?" I ask.

          "Because she's in London with her new beau," Seth tells me. For some reason, Seth is the only one talking right now, but I don't think much about it. We walk into the house, and the guys show me the bathroom and the room I'll be staying in tonight. I'm a little surprised they're letting me sleep on my own until I'm in bed after my shower and the door opens, then Jason comes walking in.      

             Jason entered the bedroom and settled in behind me, drawing me closer and resting his head on my shoulder before drifting off to sleep. I lay still, attuned to the sound of his breathing, tempted to turn and observe his peaceful slumber. His features, so captivating when awake, likely held a different allure in repose. Eventually, sleep overtook me, and I nestled into Jason's embrace.

           Sometime later, I was roused by Jason's touch. His hands ventured beneath my panties, tracing a path to my clit, eliciting a pleasurable moan from me. With a deft movement, he guided my body onto my back, slipping two fingers inside me. "Oh, fuck" I whimpered, feeling a rush of desire. Jason gazed into my eyes as he spoke softly, "I've wanted to do this all week, but after that fight I couldn't hold back. You were so fucking hot." 

          Jason positioned himself, entering me with a deep groan. "Oh, Danni," he murmured, his voice laced with desire. "You feel incredible wrapped around me." His words stirred a primal response within me, and I vocalized my pleasure. Although Jason was usually reserved, his newfound openness and vulnerability in our connection were becoming more apparent.


           The following day, the guys and I are chilling at their mom's place. Each of them takes turns entertaining me. By midday, I'm hobbling around like I've been on a marathon horse ride. When Ace approaches, I instinctively step back, shaking my head. "Not happening, Ace. Feed me something instead," I demand. "Oh, I'll feed you alright," he teases, advancing towards me. "Ace, no!" I protest, laughing, as he scoops me up and heads towards the bedroom.

          Later that evening, nestled in the room the guys put me up in, I'm engrossed in a good book when a message pops up from our tech-savvy friend.

        "Important news. Let's meet Monday morning before school."

         Me: I'll try to sneak away from the guys. If not, meet me behind the gym before the first bell.

         "That's what's up."

          I stash my phone and return to my book, but the guys' loud chatter draws my attention. So, much for reading. I cracked the door to eavesdrop.

       "Damn it, Jason, she's getting too close. If we don't do something, that creep's gonna hurt her," Ace vents.

      "And what do you propose? Lock her up?" Jason retorts dryly.

        Ha, like they could pull that off, I think to myself.

      "Yeah, sure. She'd have our balls on a platter," Seth adds.

      "Okay, smartasses, any bright ideas? 'Cause mine aren't cutting it," Ace snaps.

      "How about one of us taking her away?" Seth suggests.

     "That won't fly. She won't leave our aunt hanging," Ace counters.

       Speaking of which, I've got work tomorrow. Screw this. I emerge from the bedroom and stride to the front of the house. "If you're gonna talk about me, at least have me there," I interject as I enter the living room, prompting guilty looks from all three.

     "We just wanna keep you safe," Ace explains, wrapping his arms around me. "And why are you up? Weren't you supposed to be catching up on reading?" he adds with a raised eyebrow.

     "I was, but how can I concentrate with you lot bickering?" I retort. Ace exchanges a glance with his brothers. "I think that calls for some punishment, don't you?" he declares, tightening his hold on me.

      "Oh, no you don't," I protest, squirming in his grasp, but his brothers join in, tickling me relentlessly.                                    

                               Hello, Lovely's how are you enjoying the book so far? Let me know with a comment or you can vote by hitting the start.

                                                                            Much Love! ☮

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