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Before you move on to chapter 10 enjoy the video.

I'm lying in bed, replaying in my mind the unexpected encounter I had in the shower just moments ago.

Ace surprised me by joining me in the shower. The mere thought of it made my heart race. I've always prided myself on being strong and independent, but these guys have a way of pushing me out of my comfort zone. I've kept my distance from guys for a reason, but Ace and Seth always seem to catch me off guard, their touch sending me into a panic every time. I need to unravel the mystery of what happened to me eight years ago.

Lying in bed, I watched as my door creaked open and three guys strolled in. "What are you guys doing?" I questioned, assuming they would be leaving soon. But they had other plans. As I attempted to leave the room, Seth blocked my path. "You're staying put tonight, Danni," he declared.

I tried to leave again, only to be stopped by Jason, who trapped me against the door with his arm around my waist. "You're not going anywhere, Danni," he murmured in my ear, possibly planting a quick kiss on my neck. As he held me there, I felt myself slipping into darkness. "Please, just let me go," I pleaded softly.

"Just breathe through it, Danni," Jason reassured me. But I struggle to calm myself. Resting my head on the door frame, I seek relief in the coolness. Jason's whispers are muffled, and I can't make out his words.

After a few moments, I opened my eyes to find Jason still behind me. I long to escape to Daisy Mae's room and confide in her and Sally, but the guys seem determined to keep me here tonight. Confusion clouds my thoughts. We've been tormenting each other for months now, from pranks like putting fish in their lockers to freezing their jerseys. The memory of their shocked faces still makes me smile.

As I reflect on their reactions, my anxiety fades. "Feeling better?" Jason's voice brings me back to the present. I wonder if he realizes I was reminiscing about our antics and the chaos I've caused.

"I'm feeling a bit better," I confess. "We need you to sit down and talk to us," Jason urges.

I wonder what they could possibly want to discuss with me. Nevertheless, I nod in agreement, hoping that maybe they'll leave me alone afterwards. As I turn around, I'm startled to come face to face with Jason. He's been the only one to keep his distance due to his girlfriend, but the way he's looking at me now is making my heart race for a different reason. I quickly move aside to avoid making a fool of myself and take a seat on the bed.

"What's on your mind?" I ask with more confidence than I have.

All three of them turn their gaze towards me before moving to the bed and taking a seat. Ace places a file on the bed between us, and I immediately recognize its contents. "How did you get that?" I ask in a hushed tone. This can't be happening now that they know I took it from their father's office. What will they do with it? Will they tell their dad? Will he order them to harm me?

"We found it in your closet the other day. I asked my dad about it and he basically told me to go fuck myself," Ace explains. I retreated back against my headboard, stunned. "You... you told your dad?" I stammer.

"Tell us what's going on, Danni," Ace demands. I meet his gaze and push back. "And what difference would it make, Ace?" I challenge him.

"It would help us understand why we're doing this to you, and maybe we could support you in facing our dad. Have you considered that?" Ace raises his voice.

"You want to help me?" I question. Why would they want to get involved? They barely know me, and they would be going against their own father.

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