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                  "You're aware it's futile to deceive us, David. The truth always surfaces," Ace's words were punctuated by punches, kicks, and throwing up. For the past three hours, this cycle had persisted relentlessly. David, the fool who purchased drugs from one of the school's miscreants and supplied them to his 16-year-old girlfriend, resulting in her tragic demise, now faced the wrath. The father of the deceased, a close friend of our father, demanded the name of the drug dealer responsible, to prevent further tragedies caused by such reckless behavior.

              Ace, Jason, and I took turns pummeling David, determined to extract the information. Yet, despite the onslaught, he remained fiercely loyal to the scumbag who would betray him at the drop of a hat.

              My brother Ace has reached his limit with this guy. He's got David by the throat, demanding to know his supplier. David's turning blue but he's staying silent. Jason steps in, urging Ace to calm down and get the information before he does something he can't take back.

          Ace drops David but not before landing a kick to his face. The interrogation drags on until David cracks and spills the beans: his supplier is a guy named Rodriguez from the south side of town. Without another word, Ace leaves. Jason leans in to whisper something to David before delivering a final blow and departing, leaving David to figure his way out.

           We set off in the direction indicated by David, where this Rodriguez character supposedly resides. We arrive promptly and find the house bustling with activity. Patiently, we wait until the last car departs before stealthily making our way to the back entrance, finding it conveniently ajar. Quietly infiltrating the kitchen, we navigate to the living room, where we discover a man reclining in a chair, casually indulging in a beer and a blunt.

             Ace approaches from behind, pressing a gun to the man's head. "Get up, scumbag," my brother commands, applying pressure with the firearm. Rodriguez complies, instructed to move towards Ace. 'He really has no other option,' I muse silently.

           "What... what do you want?" Rodriguez stammers nervously. "Shut it," Ace retorts sharply, ushering him out through the back door, gun still at the ready. We escort him to the awaiting truck, Ace positioning him in the back while Jason and I take the front seats, heading back to the warehouse with our captive.

             "Why are you doing this? Did I mess up a deal with one of you? I can refund the money or offer better blow, whatever you need," the man pleads desperately.

           "Shut your mouth," I interject, forcefully seating him in a chair. "Who's your supplier?" Ace demands, his tone unyielding.

           "My supplier? You're insane if you think I'll betray him. He'd have me killed," Rodriguez protests vehemently.

         "If you don't cooperate, your fate won't be much different from us," I warn sternly. The man scoffs at the threat. "You kids have no idea what you're getting into. Ending me would be a mercy," he claims defiantly.

             "Do you expect sympathy?" Ace challenges him. "No, but maybe a dose of reality," the man responds bitterly. 


            Upon entering the apartment, I make a beeline for Danni's room, shedding my clothes along the way. Slipping into her bed, I nestle up behind her, feeling her initial startle before she relaxes into my embrace. Though she puts up a bit of resistance with us still, it's clear she's yielding.

            Leaning in, I tenderly kiss her neck, eliciting a shiver from her. "Mmm, you smell amazing," I whisper, trailing kisses down to her shoulder blade. My hand ventures southward, exploring her curves until I find that special spot that never fails to draw a moan from her lips.

          "Seth," she murmurs softly.

         "Yes," I reply in a hushed tone, continuing my ministrations.

         "Seth, get the fuck out here!" one of my brothers interrupts, urgency in his voice. Damn, it must be important. "We will pick this back up later" I whisper to Danni before reluctantly leaving her side and making my way to the front of the apartment.

         "This better be urgent," I bark at my brothers as I approach the living room, only to find our father standing there, his presence heavy in the room.

         "Are you fucking that girl?" he asks bluntly.

         "That's none of your damn business," I retort, standing alongside my brothers. "What brings you here, Dad?"

           "Firstly, mind your tone," he warns, his gaze sharp. "Secondly, I have a job for you boys starting tomorrow. Can you manage to stay away from your little tryst for two weeks?"

          "Watch your mouth when it comes to Danni, Dad," Ace growls.

         "Are all three of you fucking her?" Dad persists. "That's none of your concern," Ace fires back, and Dad advances toward him. Jason and I step in, forming a barrier between them. "Not this time, Dad. You can leave now and text us the details of the job," Jason asserts.

         "Very well. You're leaving for Texas immediately. I'll text you the address," Dad declares before exiting without further ado. "Well, that's settled," I mutter, turning back toward Danni's room. "Five minutes, brother," Ace calls out, and I nod in acknowledgment.                                                                                                          🥊     

            We arrived at a motel in Dallas, Texas, around 10 in the morning, utterly exhausted. As soon as we entered our room, I collapsed onto the bed. It felt like mere moments later when Ace was shaking me awake, but it turned out to be 10 at night.

           "Bro, let me just sleep, man," I grumbled, tossing my pillow at him. Their laughter echoed in the room as Ace urged me to get up.

           After begrudgingly showering, we headed to the address our father had given us. When we arrived, Jason knocked on the door, and a rough-looking biker answered. In a swift motion, Jason brandished his gun, demanding the man step outside.

           Complying without resistance, the man's cooperation should've set off warning bells. Just moments after we stepped away from the house, it exploded, sending us sprawling across the lawn.

           As I regained consciousness, coughing and feeling a sharp pain in my chest, I scanned the area, relieved to find my brothers nearby. "You guys okay?" I managed to croak out.

         "Yeah, you?" Jason replied, but there was no response from Ace. Crawling over, I discovered him bleeding profusely. Urging Jason to call 911, I frantically searched for the source of the bleeding.

       With dread mounting, I lifted Ace's head, finding blood coating my hands. "Damn it, Ace, wake up!" I pleaded, the sound of sirens seeming agonizingly distant.

        "Why won't they hurry?" I demanded of Jason, who assured me help was on the way.

         Finally, the ambulance arrived, whisking us to the nearest hospital. I called our dad en route, updating him on the situation. In typical fashion, he instructed me to call him once the job was over.

         At the hospital, we were relegated to a waiting room while medical professionals tended to Ace behind closed doors. The agonizing wait stretched on as we hoped and prayed for good news.


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