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Danni is really getting under my skin, and I'm honestly starting to question why my father is pressuring my brothers and me to confront her so much. He refuses to give us any details, just saying that she could falsely accuse him of a crime. He had convinced us that Danni had stolen something from his office, but the way Danni reacted to our accusations makes me doubt her guilt. Now, my dad wants us to move into the apartment with Danni and the other two girls in order to keep a closer watch on her. So, that's what my brothers and I will be doing today.

My siblings and I have organized a party at Danni's apartment tonight. It's definitely going to overwhelm her. Currently, Danni is attending her boxing class, then she will head to our aunt's office to work for a couple of hours before coming home to a house full of strangers. I can't help but feel a bit guilty. Well, maybe not really.

"Jason, have you arranged everything for the music, man?" I inquire as I enter the door with the alcohol. "Yeah, brother, I've taken care of it all. Seth distributed the flyers, so people should be arriving any minute now," Jason informs me, and shortly after, there's a knock on the door. I walk over and welcome a group inside.

About an hour into the party, Daisy and Sally walk in from wherever they've been. I catch a glimpse of Daisy's expression and conceal my amusement behind my beer glass. She looks utterly shocked. She storms over to Seth because, let's face it, Seth is the nice one among the three of us, but even he can be a beast when necessary.

"What the hell is this, Seth?" I overheard Daisy demanding. "You do realize that Danni is going to kill y'all, right?" she says to Seth. Seth simply looks at her and whispers something in her ear. She leans back, throws her hands up in frustration, and then storms off into one of the rooms.

I ask Seth what that was all about. "I just told her we'd take care of Danni when she gets home. Can you believe we managed to fit so many people in this tiny ass apartment?'" Seth remark.

I raises an eyebrow. "Well, it's not as small as it appears. So, what are your thoughts on this whole situation with Dad and Danni?" I inquire.

"I'm not sure, but I think we should do some research ourselves. We need to understand why we're doing what we're doing to Danni and decide whether we should support Dad or Danni," Seth suggests. "That sounds like a good plan. You and Jason can handle the party while I search through Danni's room," I suggest, giving Seth a fist bump before heading towards Danni's bedroom.

Once inside, I meticulously search every corner of Danni's room. I inspect her dresser drawers, nightstand, and computer desk. Eventually, I stumble upon a file hidden in her closet, which I bring out and place on her bed. As I delve into its contents, I am utterly shocked by what I uncover. What the hell is Dad involved in? I know Dad's a bad ass dude from some of the things he has gotten us to do for him, but this is different.

I sit on Danni's bed, going through files that contain information about a young girl, approximately 10 years old, and her deceased family. It appears that the girl was shot in the head, but surprisingly, she is not dead. In fact, she is the one who has been tormenting us just as much as we have been tormenting her. Suddenly, I hear Danni's voice getting louder from the living room. Hastily, I place the file back where I found it and leave Danni's bedroom.

As I enter the living room, I see Danni giving Jason, of all people, a hard time. This is not going to end well. I am known for being outspoken and confrontational, while Jason is more of a silent and deadly type. Surprisingly, he is taking whatever Danni throws at him. Then, in his drunken state, he forcefully pulls Danni towards him and kisses her. Damn, this is a mess.

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