Chapter 106

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Whenever Leyla fluttered her glistening eyes open, there were always two blue orbs looking back down at her. And then this gentle push and pull between them would resume, his eyes never leaving her.

Despite the icy colors mirrored in his eyes, Leyla couldn't help but feel engulfed in their warmth.

She raised her palms to cover her face, hiding it away from his penetrating gaze while simultaneously pushing him out even though she knew it would be useless. Still, despite the cover and the distance she placed between them, it was almost as though he could see straight into her heart.

A moan erupted through her lips, unable to keep down the bubbling pleasure building up inside her as Matthias kept going with his erotic ministrations.

“Leyla,” he whispered out her name like a sigh, paving the way for that heat inside her to replenish as his rough, calloused hands fondled her breasts, pinching and twisting her sensitive nub in one hand while the other rubbed against her stimulated button in the nether regions.

Through lust-filled eyes, Leyla tried to keep eye contact with the man buried deep inside her as he rutted against her thighs.

He was so beautiful like this. His dark locks matted against his temples, with that pinkish flush on his face as their ragged breaths intermingled between them. He kept steady eye contact with her, his expression barely changing with her attention, but she could see that miniscule quirk up his lips once he'd registered he had her undivided attention.

Leyla began to curl in on herself at that moment because she couldn't stand the strange feeling coming over her. Matthias frowned at her pulling away from him but soon gave a soft smile in her direction and chuckled lowly, giving that heated sensation in her an extra boost.

Matthias slowed down his movement a little, dipped his head down, and kissed Leyla firmly on the lips. Only upon the feel of his lips ravishing hers did Leyla realize she was terribly disorganized.

In the background, she was still painfully aware of the creaking and rutting sounds the bed was made in response to their movements.

When the Duke pulled away and moved to kiss her again, she firmly blocked his advances with her palm, covering her mouth fully. She might not be able to physically part from him right now, but she needed some distance between them.

And for now, physical barriers will have to do, which also made her firmly close her legs in an attempt to regain composure.

But Matthias's hands clamped back down on her thighs, forcibly keeping them apart as he settled in nicely between her legs. Leyla felt her heart lurch to her throat as he hiked her legs up to his shoulders, trailing kisses on her inner thighs.

She had no desire to do this now! She needed to be away from him right now! She couldn't think clearly with him so nearby… so intimate with her, and yet Matthias buried himself deep inside her heat in one swift thrust.

“Don't look! No!” she whined pathetically as the Duke's lustful gaze watched their bodies turn into one and chuckled when she scrambled to sit up and cover his eyes. He grabbed her wrists and held them in front of him, kissing the inside of her wrists before hooking them up around his neck.

Leyla was now hanging off of his body, her entire body shuddering as he pistoned in and out deeply of her. She felt her eyes begin to sting with the brimming of her tears, so she bit down hard on her lips to stifle the moans and sobs threatening to spill out.

She knew from the moment she resigned to the title of his mistress that she'd be forced to satisfy all his physical desires, but she couldn't help the rising torrent of shame and guilt in her actions. It was addicting as it was disgusting.

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