Chapter 113

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'One, two, three, four…' Leyla counted in her mind as she walked calmly on the fourth alley and headed towards the square. She'd just come from the bell tower, and since she'd found the place unfamiliar, it was expected for her to get lost for a few or more turns in the new territory she found herself in.

After reaching the square, she finally managed to find her way back to their new home without spacing out and getting lost again.

Once arriving at their destination, Uncle Bill's very distant relative had endorsed them to a residential building, with a free space on its second floor. The space was narrower than the one they had in Arvis, but it was also cleaner than the cabin they used to live in.

Understandably, Uncle Bill felt a little more out of place than she did. He was not used to living in a house that had not enough space to grow his own crops and flowers.

With her arms full of bags of groceries, Leyla leisurely trudged up the stairs in their new residence. She reached it relatively easily and put down the groceries to open up the door, before entering with them through the threshold.

She went to their small kitchen, and began putting away the groceries. Once finished, she looked around, noted her uncle wasn't in, and decided to go out and look for him again. Locking the door behind her, she quickly got back outside.

She walked calmly on the alley in front of their building, eyes glancing inquisitively at her surroundings as she walked all the way down to the end of the street.

And there she saw her uncle, right across from her, looking out over at the spanning beach and sea just off a distance.

“Uncle!” She called out, jolting him for a moment, before he turned around and saw her.

Bill wiped the forming sweat of his temples and smiled at her as she neared him. He'd just begun work on the nearby dockyard in the harbor this week. She hoped it wasn't too strenuous for him.

“What brings you here, my dear? Shouldn't you be waiting at home?” He quickly inquired after greeting her. Leyla only shrugged and smiled.

“I checked the time, and figured work was done for the day, so I came to fetch you!” She beamed at him, as she showed him the wristwatch. Bill only chuckled half-heartedly, before playfully rubbing her blonde head of hair.

Both new residents looked a lot better than when they did on their arrival. They were both more peaceful, happier…

It was almost akin to the peace they experienced in Arvis before the greenhouse got destroyed. But most of all, it hid from Leyla just how difficult Bill was taking to their new lifestyle.

He'd been a gardener his whole life, and while he didn't regret leaving that behind, he reluctantly admitted to himself that his new job hadn't been easy to learn. But it seemed, he wasn't the only one hiding the difficulty of adjusting to a new place.

“Actually, I wanted to tell you I found a job too.” Leyla finally told him as they resumed walking back to their small apartment. Bill's eyes grew wide in awe and pride.

“That's wonderful Leyla! And so quickly too!” He praised her, and Leyla beamed proudly back at him.

“Remember the hiring at the museum Uncle Allen told us about?” Leyla quickly elaborated, “Well, I just had an interview with an assistant, and if it all goes well, I'm going to be working in it soon.”

“Ah that's so wonderful Leyla! See? I knew you'd do well in anything!” her uncle praised her, making Leyla feel giddy and proud of herself as well. “How soon do you start?”

“I start tomorrow.” She informed him, and a worried look came upon his face.

“Tomorrow?” He asked her worriedly, “But you're still not feeling well my dear, are you sure you can handle work in such a condition?”

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