Chapter 120

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“Would you mind giving me a little privacy?” Matthias politely asked Dr. Etman as soon as he dropped the phone.

Dr. Etman pursed his lips, before sighing in resignation and did as he was told. Once he was out, in came Mark Evers. Matthias was given a run down of what the call had been about, before he summoned his attendant to the room.

And it seemed, his wait was finally over as he listened in to the full report of his attendant. Mark reported every detail carefully, in hushed tones. And Matthias eagerly listened to everything.

Bill Remmer appeared to have a distant relative currently residing in Lovita. And upon further prying, they managed to find a match on the description of their missing gardener and his mistress, who had arrived within their borders around the same time they disappeared.

Mark was unsure how this news would affect the Duke's help. He'd been so unpredictable lately, he wasn't even sure if he should be reporting this to the Duke. But he was a servant of the Herhardt house, he had no room in disobeying his master.

Perhaps this news will reinvigorate his master back to his usual condition.

“And where are they in Lovita?” Matthias finally asked as soon as Mark finished his report. The attendant squirmed under his intense gaze.

“I apologize, my Lord, but we haven't gotten that information yet.”

“Then find out as soon as possible.” Matthias immediately commanded. He was outwardly calm, but Mark could begin to read the urgency in his orders. It must be something in his attitude, but he knew that his master was slowly making its way back to his usual self…

Even if something was a little off about him as well.

And then the Duke graced him a smile, and Mark retracted his earlier statement of something being off. Instead he felt ashamed thinking so ill of his master.

It was a beautiful smile, much like a child finally getting their present. Still, as soon as Mark left the room to continue their search for Mr. Remmer and his foster daughter, he couldn't help but shiver, feeling relieved he was out of the room.

For a second there, he thought his master had become a madman.

As soon as Uncle Bill had arrived, he carefully placed a box in the middle of the table. Leyla had come over to look at what he'd brought home, and saw a brown leather bag in the box.

At first glance it looked good, but upon closer inspection, she could see the intricate and delicate work done on it during its creation. It was simply beautiful!

“Wow.” She gasped softly, eyes mesmerized at the work. “What's this?” she asked him, and he smiled at her.

“It's a present,” he grinned, “For you.”

Leyla's eyes widened.

“For me?” she gasped, “Why a present for me all of a sudden?”

“Should I need a reason to give you one?” Bill hummed teasingly at her, and Leyla couldn't help but feel warm inside her. Eventually Bill's smile turned sheepish as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

“But, if you really must know, it's more of a belated birthday gift really.” Bill admitted, “I couldn't give you one on your actual birthday this year after all.” He smiled sadly, and Leyla smiled at him.

Now that she thought about it, she forgot her birthday had passed as well. So many things happened when the spring had begun to come, she eventually forgot it along with the process to forget a great many things.

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