Chapter 107

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When the mailman had stopped by earlier, Bill thought it was just another batch of his mail. And yet, right in front of him was a very confusing letter.

There was nothing else on the envelope except his name. There was no sender to trace it back to—just his name.

He glanced at it in confusion, turning it over in his palm as he set aside the other mail. He frowned the more he looked at it, apprehensive about what it could contain. Deciding it was best to get this over quickly, he plopped on a chair by the porch and finally opened the envelope just as the spring breeze from the forest gently brushed past his dishevelled, graying hair.

What started out as simple curiosity soon turned into a boiling rage as he read, and re-read, and read the letter for any logic to its words again. His grip on it soon tightened, crumpling up the page in both hands as his lips were pursed into a thin line, and a frown burrowed its way on his face.

“Such crude accusations!” He all but hissed until the words were dancing in front of him with rage!

[I was uncertain how you would take this news, but I write it anyway because you have the right to know about your foster daughter's hidden affairs, Mr Remmer. To bring light on Leyla Lewellin's darkest secrets, secrets she'd been keeping from everyone and you.

She is currently in a relationship with an engaged man.

Yes, you read that correctly. I understand it would be difficult for you to believe this, and I wouldn't blame you, but it is my truth. You may think of me terribly; after all, in your eyes, Leyla is all but an innocent child to you, but she isn't. Ask her yourself, if you dare. It just pains me to know she's been keeping this secret for a long time, especially from you. You, who loved and cared for her since she came into your care.

So I took it upon myself to finally reveal her secret to you.

What you do with the information I parted with you is not my business anymore. However, I would advise you that if you really care for your foster daughter, don't let this continue. Of course, I cannot dictate your feelings on the matter, so choose wisely your next steps, Mr Remmer.

It's genuinely revolting news to receive, but there was no lie in this. I swear on it in my life and the lives of those I love.

I genuinely hope you make the right choice here, Mr Remmer. It's not too late to rectify Leyla's indiscretions.]

Such elegant penmanship, yet such revolting words it contained, making Bill's stomach twist and turn in protest at this information presented in front of him!

And what a coward this person was! To hide in anonymity as they imparted such deliberate accusations!

“Lies! All of this!” Bill hissed quietly to himself. Upon closer inspection, he inferred that the sender was most probably a woman. But who could do such a thing against his sweet and perfect little girl?!

Bill fisted the letter into a crumpled roll in his anger and threw it in complete rage across the room!

Such an insult to Leyla's reputation! She was nothing but honourable and wouldn't dare do anything as horrendous as being with an engaged man! What malevolent creature could even think about such horrible things to his girl!?

He caught sight of the letter and felt the urge to tear it into pieces once more. Just as he was about to pick it up, he found himself in front of the kitchen sink…

With a window looking over to the forest.

Memories of him seeing Leyla walking through the forest came rushing in the back of his mind. She walked back quietly to their cabin with her nightgown and white pallor, with messed up hair.

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