09 • rumination

212 41 62

c h a p t e r



n i c o l á s


A month whizzed past us in the blink of an eye as the cold continued its onslaught on the people of Washington. Our Coach had let us all off the hook for the week, considering the thick canopy of snow that had gathered over the city.

Despite our indoor stadium, the roads were blocked, and a handful of the guys were grateful for that. "We need the break." Some claimed.

I, however, needed the distraction much more than ever. Ever since that little rendezvous between Myra Chaudhary and me, something had shifted.

It wasn't something you could simply pinpoint. Even if you laid me bare and asked me what exactly shifted, I wouldn't be able to tell. The ways my eyes searched for hers every single time in the common area or the way I would look for her amongst the girls that would come cheering for us. Everything.

Unlike goth Barbie, who was at the stadium every day to cheer for Noah, Myra hardly ever showed, and if our eyes met, she would instantly walk out, not giving in to her friend's inquisition.

I hadn't failed to notice that she had been avoiding me since that little incident. Maybe it was for the good.

Considering the whiff of her vanilla scent was still lingering in the back of my mind like a reminiscence of a haunting echo that triggered a cascade of emotions I couldn't name.

As the smell seemed to dwindle from my memory, I found myself craving more and more of it. My body longed for the warm doe eyes and for them to be focused on the entirety of me. My inexplainable desires were spiralling out of control.

Keith and I were seated on a bench inside a VIP lounge that was only accessible to a handful of people, including myself. It was spread out with windows for walls that overlooked our stadium through. It was scattered with multiple plush furniture for seating, a coffee machine, and some other stuff in the corner of the room.

A little escape for people like us, in case college got too fucking irritating as it did for me. Keith was droning on and on about some party that happened over this weekend that we had missed out on. I honestly couldn't care less unless some kind of exchange between benefactors was about to take place. It was a place for hormonal kids to find a face to suck their horniness out of.

"- and Jeremy and Myra apparently won the beer pong for the night. That was crazy-"

My hazy mind seemed to zero in on the one piece of information that Keith had just dropped on me, "Hold up. Come again?"

Keith paused, his arms suspended in mid-air before he turned to face me completely, realising I was finally ready to give two fucks to his ranting. "Jeremy, you know the dude from econ whose dad owns that little construction company in Chicago, what was the name again?- anyways, he and Myra Chaudhary, the Indian royalty, were getting all chummy and won the beer pong game at Ryan's place. You know it's crazy considering Wren and Jacob are the undisputed beer pong winners since forever."

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