12 • solicitude

160 36 44


Shoutout to devoravelds for helping me deal with my writer's block for this chapter and this song by lana del rey, I was literally fumbling


c h a p t e r



m y r a

"IT'S ON!"

Lily leapt from her seat as she made an attempt to grab Mira, who was balancing quite dangerously on the bleachers as we three watched Noah play against the seniors.

He had managed to dodge against massive men and booted a goal for his team right as halftime was announced, earning an around of praises from his teammates. I sat in the bleachers, surrounded by the loud roars of the supporters of either team as the men fumbled behind the ball.

I unconsciously wrapped my arms around myself, tucking my torso inwards as I sat perched on the bleachers watching the match. Noah and I hadn't gotten around to talking about that night in his house, but Mira brought him along to hang out, and we simply skipped it over like nothing ever happened.

"If you are so into falling off the railings, be my fucking guest", Lily huffed out an agitated sigh before taking her place beside me, "But do it when I'm not going to be called in as a witness."

Mira smirked as Noah neared our seats, his hair stuck to his glistening forehead as he grabbed the bottle of water that someone in the crowd handed over to him. He looked every bit of an American soccer boy's dream at that very moment.

"If you win this, I will make sure you get laid, Neymar." Mira cooed from the railings as Noah grinned at her before throwing the empty bottle right at her head. She ducked and tipped her head back in a laugh that resonated amongst all of us.

"But in all honesty, if you play like this, we can actually beat the seniors this time!" A few students who didn't have to eavesdrop on Lily's loud voice chimed their agreement through a series of nods.

"You got this, Noah!"

"We are rooting for you!"

His warm eyes finally found mine as my heart froze, watching the swirls turn apprehensive and nervous. I offered him a small smile and lifted my arms in a weak hurrah.

"All the best, Noah." He simply nodded before taking off. If the air around us had suddenly thickened, Mira and Lily had chosen not to comment on it, and I was so very thankful for that. 

However, an intense awareness sent a shiver down my spine as I raised my head and found myself lost in the sea of green. Nicolás was standing on the far end of the ground, surrounded by his teams that were in dire need of his captaincy, but he was staring right at me.

He stood with the poise of a lord who bowed to no one as people clustered around him and squirmed in tension. They were losing by a point and had never lost against a junior team. In one way or another, a simple match was turning out to have much more importance than it should have.

I quickly averted my eyes away, unable to beat the scrutiny of his gaze as I focused on something better- like chipped nails on my fingers. It had been a while since I had done them, but after the puny confrontation with my sister, everything seemed to be going downhill.

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