13 • covetous

137 36 26

c h a p t e r



m y r a


My voice was barely a whisper against the harsh clamour of the crowd that was gathered in the basement of an abandoned building.

"Nonsense!" Lily tutted, "It's so hard to get into these, and our seniors have cordially invited us."

She grasped my arms in case I was about to make a run for it, "We are not losing this opportunity."

At the furthest end of our campus sat an abandoned sports complex that had been shut down for years, or that's what the authorities believed. However, they were completely unaware that the underground floor had been turned into a massive arena where tons of illegal activities had been taking place.

At the centre of it sat a metal cage, glistening with the dried blood of its victors and their fallen victims. It was surrounded by raging individuals with adrenaline pumping in their veins and betting money that could fall on either side of the coin.

I tucked closer to Mira, who seemed much more rooted than Lily, who had given in to inhibitions and tossed a bundle of dollars to god knew who.

"Lily." I hissed, "I don't think this is a good idea."

The stench of sweat and death hung lowly in the air, intimidating every weakling that tried to set foot and dashed from the entrance. Unlike me, who was too scared to even trace the path back alone and decided to follow my other two friends.

Noah wasn't invited to the cage fight happening tonight, and it was a breach of code if you talked about it to anyone uninvited, as Lily claimed, so in case our mutilated bodies were found in a ditch tomorrow, nobody exactly would know how.

Mira stayed quiet the whole time, her kohled eyes running across the crowd again and again. It appeared as if she was in search of something, but the loud chanting of the crowd drew all of our attention to the cage.

"Joker! Joker! Joker!"

My eyes widened as a fair-haired man stepped inside the metal ring in nothing but fighting shorts. His body was carved into hard lines and edges, the veins in his arms flexing with the promise of a mean punch.

"Is that-" Mira began.

"Is that fucking Jeremy?" Lily confirmed my suspicions as I eyed the man through my lashes, running my eyes across his face once again in awe. The way cheers erupted around me indicated he was a promising fighter.

He raised his fist as a bunch,of girls on the sidelines screamed his real name. His blue eyes that shone with a dangerous sheen ran across the room until they settled on me. I inhaled a sharp breath as he tilted his head to the side and broke out in a crooked smile.

Everyone around me cheered and rustled, basking in the attention thrown in their way, and I hoped to god they were right.

His opponent was a massive man covered in tattooed sleeves and a bald head. He looked threatening in mere presence, but just as the whistle blew, the game began, and all my worries washed away like sand on the beach.

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