Chapter 7: It's Between Us

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It's been a few days since the day I decided I would keep my distance from Chris and Matt. I still talk and hang with Nick, but it's only us at my house. I know it's kind of rude to ignore people who have been nothing but kind and great to me, but it's what I need. I need to figure everything out so I can be the best version of myself for our friendship. Me and Nick were sitting in my room when he looked down at me. I was laying my head on his shoulder as the amazing spiderman was on my tv. "Why have you been ignoring Matt and Chris" Nick asked as I pushed myself off of him. I knew this day would come, but I never really prepared for it. I quietly thought about what I was going to say, but I couldn't think of what else to say besides what it is. " I don't know" I said as i questioned myself. Nick looked at me crazy as he rolled his eyes. I looked at him and he gave me his look. Nick always had this look and he mainly used it on me because, I never really expressed myself. I always kept my feelings hidden in order for other people to be happy and even though I struggled; I always put people first. Nick gave me his "I know somethings up, tell me "Look. "Come on y/n/n, you can tell me anything. It's between us" Nick said as he grabbed my hand to give me some comfort. I looked back at him the at the wall. How could I tell my best friend that I like both of his brothers? It makes me look awful, especially since I'm ignoring them for my own problems. "I like them" I said as I quickly put my hand up to my mouth. Why did I say that. 

Nick's POV

"I like them" y/n said as she put her hand up to her month. My month went dry as I heard what she said. It all started to make sense now. Why Matt was a jerk to her and why Chris was close to her. They liked her too. I sat there deep in head before I was taken out of them by y/n's small voice "are you mad" she questioned as her eyes watered. My heart hurt at the sight. How could my brothers do something like this. I know y/n isn't completely innocent, but they could still have tried to do something; at least hid it better. "I'm not mad. I could never be mad" I said truthfully as I pulled her into a hug. Her arms wrapped around my waist as I held her shoulders. I could feel her start to cry into my shirt. "I'm trying so hard not to Nick, but they're just so amazing" she said as she tried to catch her breathe. I sat there and listened to her talk before she finally got done pulling away from me wiping her eyes on her shirt. I looked at her with a soft glance " I won't tell them" I said as she sighed in relief. I started to laugh as she looked at me with a weird look. " I can't believe that my stupid brothers have done something like this. I guess they do have an effect" I said as she started to hit my arm laughing as well. I knew at this moment that I had to do something about it, I just didn't know what. "It's 10:30, I think it's time for me to go home" I say as I grab my bag. She looks at me before standing up with me smiling. I hug her again and she finally relaxes. " Hey, it'll boil over eventually" I say as I start towards the door. I get home just to see Matt sitting on the porch swing. "What are you doing Matthew" I question as I see him sitting crossed arm on the swing. "I'm just thinking" he said as he looked at the moon "about" I say hoping he'll finish. Instead, he just sits there. "Hey!" I screamed as he finally looked at me " about her." It then hit me; He liked y/n. "You like her, don't you?" I questioned as I looked him. "Yea I think so" he said as he looked down. "Hey, its ok Matt" "It's not, because I know that Chris likes her too but Nick it's not fair, because I liked her first" he said standing up walking towards me. He wasn't wrong. I knew that Matt liked her for a long time, ever since the 5th grade. Chris on the other hand never started liking her until senior year. "I understand that Matt, but you can't let this get crazy." He looked at me before looking back at the ground. "We need to film" I said as I grabbed my bag walking inside to get Chris and the camera since it was Thursday. I could already tell that filming was going to be a disaster, because Matt and Chris had not been seeing eye to eye. I was just hoping they could get it together, at least for the video. 

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