Chapter 13: All or Nothing

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I truly was in a hole. I had Matt wanting to meet and talk things out, now I have Chris telling me not to go. I had Jake absolutely mad at me, to the point he won't even look at me much. Dad was working every night and Nick was really busy with his work. I truly felt all alone. I guess I kind of deserve it, because of me, my own brother hates me. Also because of me, now Matt and Chris don't like each other, and their bond was pretty much unbreakable. I walked downstairs to Jake sitting on the couch for the first time in a while. I finally had the courage to talk to him. I walk up to him and sat on the complete opposite side of the couch. "Can I talk to you?" he looks at me then back down to his phone. I sat there almost in tears, but I wasn't giving up "please" I barely whispered to which he looked up again. He put his phone down as he stared at me "go on" he said as he put his hand on his knee "Matt wants to talk" "you going to talk to him" "but Chris told me not to" I say as I look down playing with my hands. Jake then sighed rubbing his hands down his face. I know he's aggravated "It's not you anymore" he says as he sighs looking at me "what" "if it truly wasn't a problem, they wouldn't be doing this, just don't talk to either of them" he says as he motions to me to get closer. He pulls me towards him. I lay my head on his shoulder as he rubs my shoulder. "I'm sorry I got mad at you. What I did was wrong and uncalled for" Jake says as I lift my head off him to look at him. "It's ok, I deserved it" "No you didn't, I was just mad" "I know but" "no buts, what I did was wrong. I know you're not completely innocent, but I'll always be here for you." I look at him, I'm so happy that he forgave me. "I'm going to talk to Matt" "I'm not for it, but you should; to clear the air at least" I shake my head as I started to feel bad, but I had no other options. I just wanted to let this whole thing go and move on. I felt awful because of Chris but for some reason I didn't feel completely bad because at least Matt was willing to reach out and not just so I wouldn't meet up with anyone else. Chris's side seems to be different from Matt's and I'm not sure about it. I heard my phone go off as I looked at it, I saw Matt's icon pop up. I guess this was it. All or nothing. I told Jake as I gave him a hug. I head towards the door as I saw Matt's vehicle pull in. I smiled as I started to walk towards the car. I looked over at triplets' house where I saw Chris staring out the window. I looked at him as I got closer to the car. All or nothing.

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