Chapter 10: How Could You

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It's been a few days since the video. I haven't seen or heard from the triplets and quite frankly Jake hasn't even talked to me much. I know something is up. Nick wouldn't ignore me this long. Were in this whole crazy thing together. I woke up at 11 am this morning. I haven't been myself since the whole video thing happened when Matt basically told the world that Chris stole me from him. I know I like them both but still; I wasn't anyone's before. I just wonder why this happened. How in such a short amount of time can something be so messed up. I don't understand, but all I can think about is that night.

Flashback to last Friday....

I slept for like and 1 hour before I finally woke up. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I wanted to talk to my dad, but he was working nights. I called my best friend Melody. "I saw girl, are you ok" "not really" I say as I sniffle. "Girl keep your head up. You are a beautiful and smart young lady, don't let these people hurt you." No telling how many times she had told me that, yet I never believed it. I always felt she said that only to calm my nerves but what she doesn't understand is that nothing could cure how I felt. I wanted to talk to Chris and Matt so badly, but I just couldn't, but it dawned on me. If I would've have just put my feelings aside and moved on, none of this would've happened. "Girl, you're seriously not blaming yourself. This isn't you fault." I sat there in tears as I know that Mellie knew. "I should've just put myself aside" I say through the tears. My tears were like rain; they just kept coming. It was my fault. I knew I had to do something I just didn't know what. I ended my call with Melody as I put my head in my arms crying my heart out. I then noticed that my blinds were open to which I immediately closed them. I then turned around to see my mom's journal. My mom and my dad had a classic love story. He was the hot jock, and my mom was the cute nerd who stared at him from afar. My mom was crazy in love with my dad and in a way whenever I read it, I feel ok. I opened her book to see when she tried to stop liking him. 

Dear Diary,                                                                                                                  5/21/2000

I'm trying to stop liking him. I'm trying not to look in his direction. I'm trying not to walk near him. I'm trying not to do anything, but something about him pulls me in. I know we are just friends, but I truly feel something for him. I love how he always makes me feel better. How he offers to drive me places. How he always looks out for me. How he always calls me shorty. I know that it might be some crazy teenage love story, but I truly feel love for him. He truly is the perfect man.  

                                                        Love, Julia 

I stood there in more tears as I read my mom's handwriting. It was like it was telling me something. Everything my mom wrote about my dad, sounded like everything Matt had done for me. It then dawned on me that Matt was the perfect guy. Chris was great but for some reason I feel like he just wasn't made for me as anything beyond a best friend. My mom was so blinded by her love, that she tried to run from it. I realized I'm running away from my happiness just because I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to be unhappy anymore. I the run to my closet grabbing my shoes. I then open my door running towards the stairs. I soon stop running once I hear jake's voice. I walk slowly towards the stairs. I then get close enough to hear but not be seen. "Stay away from her Matt" I hear jake say as I drop my mouth. Why would you do that Jake? I then run back to my room before falling onto my bed. How could you Jake?

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