Prologue: Sight of him

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   A/n: hi. uh.
   this story will be written and formatted a bit differently, i just wanted to be silly idfk

   you know this drill, this story will be a vent dumping ground, where i hold nothing back.
   and i mean NOTHING.
   this story's main focus is basil being absolutely out of his mind and basically portraying serious psychotic behaviors. like, it's BAD bad. and the prologue is very light, so shit only gets worse from here.

   !! the main thing is that this story is surrounded by the topics and descriptions of s//a and the r word. read at your own risk !!


   i'm still writing my other Omori au (IYD), but i wanted to share this one i've been writing on the side.
   no, i am not okay :3
   more a/n will be at the end of this, sooo-
   can't really say enjoy, cause this is gonna be literal hell and torture. but anyways :]
   have fun ig ( ̄▽ ̄)

Basil sits in his room, staring anxiously and mostly, hesitantly, at his reflection.

He fixates on all of the little details, like his matted blonde hair, and his cold, sky blue eyes.
He picks at a piece of his hair, pulling it out of his scalp.

Examining it, he sees tiny bits of dirt and grime on the strand.

Groaning, he flicks it away and leans back against his bed, not taking his gaze off the mirror.

"..." while he glares at himself, he notices a small boy behind him.

This boy has midnight black hair that's well taken care of, something very alluring to the eyes.

He doesn't even have to bend down, he's so short. But he gets to Basil's level and sets a hand on his shoulder.

"... Sunny..." oh how Basil craved Sunny's touch and presence again. His warm hands... his dimly bright eyes... and his sweet and innocent smile... but he knew this was just an hallucination. He's had many since that day.

... he tries not to think about it too much.

Sunny smiles at his voice, squeezing Basil's shoulder even more.

He... just wants to...

"Whatcha thinking about, Basil?" Sunny speaks, his tone wavering slightly.

Basil looks back in the mirror, seeing just himself, no Sunny.

"... why did you have to leave me?" Basil feels his eyes burn while he chokes out the sentence.

"I'll never leave you. Promise." He says gently, wrapping his arms around Basil.

"..." Basil opens his mouth in shock, feeling his warmth like he did all those years ago.

He... 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 it.

Basil sighs softly, a grin forming on his face, "I'll see you again soon, my love."

Sunny returns the gesture.

He... he... 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬 to-



Basil feels cold once again, freezing in place as he hears the someone at the front door.

   S u n n y  i s  g o n e -

   Polly? He thought she left to get groceries. She's back so soon?

   He wobbles up to his feet, his legs numb.

   He doesn't hear any more knocks as he walks slowly over to the door, feeling the life come back to his ankles.

   Open the door?

   Yes <——     No



   A/n: shit's gonna go down, and not the good kind of shit.
   the 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 bad kind of shit.
   anyways, it's almost midnight, see ya peeps ❤︎︎

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