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Get up to answer the phone?

Yes <—— No

   Hero sighs, sacrificing his work to go answer the phone.

He drags his limp and tired body to it, picking it up.

"Hello? This is Hero."

"H-HERO!!" Kel, who seemed quite distressed, was on the other end.

"Kel! Are you okay? Why are you calling so late??" Hero's worry starts to build up.

   "I... it's Sunny... he's..." he can be heard crying on the other end.

   "H-Hey..! Kel... breathe." Hero, starting to get a little panicky himself, tries to calm down Kel, who is obviously upset.

   "I CAN'T!!! I-I JUST CAN'T HENRY!!" Shit. Hero knows when Kel uses his actual name, it's serious.

   "Sunny... h-he... and Basil... they..." He could just hear his jitters from the other side of the line.

   "... Slow down, Kel. Take a deep breath... I love you... okay? It going to be alright." He tried reassurance, which sort of worked to help Kel relax.

   "I... I l-love y-y-you... too..." his shaking was getting worse, and his breath was still wobbly, going in and out of tears.

   "Okay. Can you breathe and tell me what happened?"

   "..." *BEEEEEEEEEP*

   Huh? Did he just?

   "Hello? Kel? Kel???" Hero pulled the phone away, realizing he had just been hung up on.

   He dialed the number again, and the ringing echoed throughout the apartment.

   And more ringing. And more. Until it quit on him.

   "Piece of shit!" Hero slammed the phone down, cursing.

   He immediately ran to grab us coat, and his car keys.

   The suburbs was a few hours away, but that didn't matter to him.

   Hero's own anxiety was  heightening.

   Is he okay? Why did he hang up like that???

   He got in the car, not hesitating to drive off, not even locking his door.

   "Please be okay..."

    A/n: uh oh

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