7: You're my Sun

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Sunny groans, lifting up his hand from his damp hair to the phone on his desk.

"Sunny?? Are you there???" ... Kel.

Sunny's face seems to light up, especially after what happened with Basil.

"... hi Kelzy." Sunny says his pet name, and Kel squeals, even though he's been calling him that for a long while now.

"Hi! ... you don't sound so good." He immediately notices Sunny's tone, and Sunny frowns.

"Meh. I'm fine. Just tired."

"So... like... fine? Or the fucked up, insecure, neurotic, and emotional kinda fine?" (OMG HE SOUNDS LIKE MY MOM) Kel teased him, still genuinely worried.

Sunny pulls down his shirt to see the bruises his best friend left him, "... I'm fine, K. How about you? How'd the championships go?"

Kel lets out a long and heavy sigh.

"Not good man. We lost. By two points!!! Two. Fucking. Points. We were THIS close!!!!" You could hear his clear frustration.

"Well, there's always next year. Sorry though." Sunny laid his head down on the wooden table, trying to steady his breathing.

"It's okay, Sun. I'm good. Like you said, there's always next year. At least I'm back home! God!! It was so freaking uncomfortable in those hotel beds!!" Kel jokes, and Sunny can't help but grin a little.

  "So, we meeting up tomorrow? I would meet up tonight... but you know how my mom feels about me sneaking out... heh..."

   Sunny glances at his shoulder again, contemplating if he should tell him or not.

"If... if you tell... 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞... about this.... 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐞𝐥."

   Basil's voice ringed throughout Sunny's head, suddenly feeling the scratching in his stomach again.

   "... yeah, let's meet up tomorrow."

   A/n: so sorry for the short chapter!! I didn't know what else to put :p also it is almost midnight, and my brain is fried on this soooo-

   Yeah. I love Suntan so much bro-

   Anyways, see ya!! :3

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