Hivewings + Headcanons

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Hivewings most commonly come in yellow, orange and red with little to a lot of black marking, some Hivewings can come in blues, purples and greens.

Hivewing markings are bee/wasp like markings and some will often have white spots over their black stripes.

They have a 'fuzz' over their scales, with the area around their neck often having the fuzz grow thicker, especially as they age.

Hivewing dragonets hatch with a pale creamy colour without any black markings, they have stubby limbs that grow to size as they age. After a week they gain their proper colours and names. (They are given nicknames when they hatched.)

Some Hivewings have small decorative antennae that are similar to bees/wasps and don't do anything but look interesting.

Hivewings have thick tails but are not as strong as Seawings or Mudwings.

Hivewings have dark coloured eyes with a ring of lighter colour around their mid toned pupil, they also have long thin ears.

They have black, brown or red long spit tongues.

Hivewing eggs are pale orange, cream or off white with small spots of black and are odd shaped.

Hivewing blood is a dark green colour.


All Hivewings have tail stings that have venom glands, some have stronger or different types of venom.

Hivewings have powerful stomach acid and generally don't get sick if they eat spoiled food.

Hivewings can make a loud 'buzzing' sound from their wings that can irritate other dragons' ears.

Hivewing powers are based mainly off poison, venom, acid and or chemical reaction, some examples are the following:

Venomous claws, teeth or wrist stingers/tail stingers (Bee, wasp and or ant like)

Paralyzing toxin

Boiling acid

Rotting stench

Poison darts


Queen Stinger (Rotten stench and numbing tail/teeth venom)

King Apiscerana (Acid spit)


Queen Goldfire and the Nightwings

Main enemy(s):

Sandwings (Almost)

Culture/known for:

Hivewing diet consists of mostly savannah animals with fruit and vegetables being occasional events. They also consume a lot of honey that they made (Both meat and pollen based)

The main items they eat includes lions, zebras, elephants, monkeys, gazelle, carrots, honey, bananas and melons.

Hivewings prefer either meaty or sweet flavors, they don't like sour or spicy flavors.

Hivewings medical knowledge and equipment are the lowest of the three tribes on their continent, they generally have to train and gather equipment from their allies or the other two tribes.

Hivewings dont like music and tend to avoid it if possible, they instead like reenacting plays about history or stories (Without much music or background sounds.)

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