"Fever" - 💤 (S)

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!! Smuttified version of "Night of Warmth" in Falling for you !!


You went down the building to find Xavier, feeling defeated just because you chose dare instead of truth. It's embarrassing.

You knocked at his door, only to be greeted by a newly awoken Xavier, who were rubbing his eyes with a yawn.

"Do you need anyth... Oh it's you." Xavier blinked a few times before finally recognizing us, "Missed me?"

"Don't tell me you just woke up? It's waayyy past morning. It's 4 in the afternoon..."

"That may be the reason why I feel so hungry." He said, with his gaze looking at you with great seriousness.

'Why is he looking at me like that... Is he going to gobble me up...?'

"You look flustered, what's wrong?" Xavier stepped closer to you, lifting your chin with his thumb.

"N-nothing, I.." You averted your gaze, thinking about how can you explain your sudden visit.

"A fever..." Your mumble received a 'hmm?' reply.

"Well, I think I have a fever. Do you have a thermometer I can borrow?" You instantly thought of an excuse.

Xavier's eyes widened. He immediately pulled himself away from you and opened his apartment door.

"Is it serious? Please, make yourself at home." He took your hand and guided you to his bedroom.

He rummaged through some drawers and boxes until he went back to you, with a thermometer in his hand and some pills in the other.

You flinched as he went closer, placing the thermometer to check your temperature. This time, you feel hot all of the sudden. Did you really catch a fever just now?

"One should stay still when taking a temperature." He muttered while handing me a tiny box full of pills.

You immediately refused, "I can't just randomly pick one! I'm surprised you don't often get sick though."

"When I don't feel unwell, I just take a nap. I'll be better afterwards."

"Are you serious? What if you still feel unwell after a nap..?"

"I'll just take another nap." As he replied, the thermometer finally made it's beeping sound.

"I think it's done. I should take your temperature now." He took the thermometer from me, glancing at it with his eyebrows furrowed.

"102.5 °F."

You immediately stared hardly at Xavier, "What?! There's no way it's that high!" Xavier seemed very serious about it and it made you somehow believe his words.

"Being confused usually happens when someone has a fever. You're gravelly ill, I'll call an ambulance. Take all these pills in the meantime." He turned around.

You stood up, tugging his sweater to stop him, "N-no! I don't feel sick at all and-"

Xavier chuckled and it confused you.

"What's so funny?" You asked and he showed you your real temperature.

"97. 3 °F."

"Who taught you how to lie?" With a frown, you stomped back as you sat back on his bed, "You're going to make me take medicine even though I'm fine!"

"They're calcium tablets."

You avoided eye contact with him, clearly embarrassed. "You knew I was lying in the very beginning..."

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