Our Destined Fate - 💤

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This is a separate fanfiction I'll be making !!

Chapter 1 - Prologue

"You go girl! You totally nailed that audition. You're so gonna be selected to compete for the semi-finals! Look at the board, you are the audience's favorite!!" Tara - a friend of mine, happily said along with a squeal.

My eyes wandered around the lobby. Where is Jeremiah? He told me he'll attend to watch me play.

"If you're looking for Jeri, he told me earlier that he couldn't come. Sorry for telling you, Y/N." An awkward smile crept through her lips.

"Well, it's understandable. He's quite a busy guy." I replied. Both Tara and I kept walking around Deepspace Academy. At first glance, it looks like a normal school but when you actually walked inside, it's an enormous palace!

It's not easy to be accepted here in Deepspace Academy, whether you're wealthy or not. Every student must face two tests.

One is written, where they test your knowledge and one is where they challenge you to fight and duel, where they test your physical strength. Most of the students here are hunters, some are knights. Jeremiah is one of them.

As for hunters, Tara and I are on our 3rd year and to be honest, I think I'm doing pretty well in trainings and academics. But one of my specialties are extra curricular activities. Especially music!

The students we walked by continued to praise me for my performance earlier. Tara slowed down her steps and checked her phone due to its continuous buzzing.

"Is there something wrong, Tara??" I asked, rotating my head slightly.

"Well, it's just Jeremiah. He thinks you're mad at him for not watching your audition. Check your messages! He might've sent something to you." Tara said, taking my violin.

And there it is, several unread messages from him.


Y/N !!!
i rlly apologize for not coming...
i had to accompany a friend, are you mad?
let's go out after classes ~ you tara me & my friend
im gonna bring him as witness that i rlly had urgent matters to attend with him
i'll make it up to you i promise !

I'm not even mad but we're down!
See u at our spot later ~

Your message was seen by Jeremiah

"Jeremiah asked us to meet up with him. I told him we're coming." I said as I showed her our conversation, "I'm a bit curious about the friend he mentioned."

"Maybe it's Xavier." Tara commented and I immediately looked at her with questioning eyes.

"Never heard of him." I said.

A familiar yet distant name....

"Girl, you're totally missing out! Almost every student in this academy know him. Well, he's quiet but strong. He always dozes off in classes but still achieve perfect marks."

"He's also one of the hunter-knights. Because of his outstanding abilities, the school considered him as one!" Tara's eyes twinkled as she started gossiping. Well, it's her hobby after all!

Xavier... who are you? Why do I feel very intrigued?


I arrived at the park a little earlier than them. It's spring, cherry blossoms are blooming everywhere. I walked passed the streets of the park surrounded by cherry blossoms.

There's even a myth that if you've reached a hundred steps with your lover, your love will last forever.

Somehow, the streets feel so familiar.

"...ninety six, ninety seven, ninety eight, ninety nine...." I counted my steps, then stopping before it hits one hundred. I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't noticed that someone was walking behind me, causing them to bump due to my sudden stop.

Because of my shock, I dropped my violin case. I turned to the person.

I'm good at knowing someone's presence. How come I did not notice them?

"Sorry! I didn't know someone was walking behin-" Eyes with beautiful shades of blue met mine. Have I seen those eyes before?

He just stared at me for a while then nodded, and left so instantly.

The moment afterwards was... weird.

There was no background music, no random cliche fireworks, everything just.... began to be quiet. Except from the loud thumping sound. Where is it from? Was it from me?

Reality hit me like a brutal crash. Well, I got lost in thoughts again.

"Who is he..?" I mumbled a question as I walked towards our favorite spot in the park.

There where kids at the corner, they're watching their friend play a flute. It's cute to watch!

I took out my violin and went to the children, planning to join their fun.

"Mind me if I join you?" The little boy shook his head and smiled at me as we started to play together.

I might've heard some flaws but at his age, it was undeniably good. The birds flew around us and a strong breeze of wind kissed our cheeks. It even blew my dress up!

Then, a camera flash was visible for a second. It was the guy who bumped into me earlier and his camera was faced straight at me!

My face flushed red because of embarrassment. As instinct, I dashed at the guy and beat him with my violin.

"Are you a pervert?! Delete that picture right now!! You even followed me here! Should I call the police?? Are you a stalker?!!?" Both my hands won't stop hitting him with both my violin and bow.

"Why is miss hurting XayXay..?" One of the kids whispered to another.

"Hah! Even your name is pathetic!" Everything continues. Little did I know that XayXay captured both of my wrists.

"You'll damage the violin." He said so calmly.

How I hate that his voice calmed me down!

I was about to say something to XayXay but I heard my name was called.

"Y/N!" It was Tara.

She ran towards me along with Jeremiah. Both of them are carrying snacks and drinks. Surprisingly, Jeremiah patted XayXay's shoulder.

"I guess you guys already started without us. How could you, Xavier?" Jeremiah playfully said to him, "Woah! Your neck is red! Who hit you?"

"...Xavier?" So, his name isn't XayXay then.

If his name is Xavier... Then he's the one Tara is talking about! The hunter-knight! Oh God! Y/N, why did you have to beat him up?!?

Hm, well... He did took a picture of me when my dress was up!

But Jeremiah won't make friends with perverts. Was it all just a misunderstanding? I need to clear things up.

"Hey Xavier! I think I heard something over there. I'll check it out, come with me!" I don't know what happened to my mind but I reached for Xavier's hand and ran along as the breeze of wind followed us.

Well, let's just go with the flow!

I also posted this chapter separately.

Please consider voting so something will remind me of this!🎀

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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